question:#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QFileDialog> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { // Set window title setWindowTitle("Abdugaffor L. - IVT1 B-22 - QT-GI-15"); // Create label for image pic_ = new QLabel(this); // Create animation for image animation_ = new QPropertyAnimation(pic_, "pos", this); animation_->setDuration(2000); animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(0, 0)); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(200, 200)); animation_->setLoopCount(-1); // Create and add menu createMenu(); // Set central widget as label for image setCentralWidget(pic_); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::createMenu() { // Create menu bar QMenuBar *menubar = menuBar(); // Create "File" menu file_ = menubar->addMenu("File"); // Create menu actions show_pic_ = new QAction("Show picture", this); choose_pic_ = new QAction("Choose", this); animate_ = new QAction("Animate", this); stop_ = new QAction("Stop", this); quit_ = new QAction("Quit", this); // Add actions to "File" menu file_->addAction(show_pic_); file_->addAction(choose_pic_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(animate_); file_->addAction(stop_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(quit_); // Connect signals and slots connect(show_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPicture())); connect(choose_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(chooseImage())); connect(animate_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(animateImage())); connect(stop_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopAnimation())); connect(quit_, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); } void MainWindow::showPicture() { // Create image QImage image(300, 300, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(Qt::white); // Draw rectangle QPainter painter(&image); painter.setBrush(Qt::blue); painter.drawRect(50, 50, 200, 100); // Draw triangle QPolygonF triangle; triangle.append(QPointF(150, 150)); triangle.append(QPointF(100, 250)); triangle.append(QPointF(200, 250)); painter.setBrush(Qt::red); painter.drawPolygon(triangle); // Draw circle painter.setBrush(Qt::green); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(100, 100, 100, 100)); // Draw trapezoid QPolygonF trapezoid; trapezoid.append(QPointF(100, 200)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(130, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(170, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(200, 200)); painter.setBrush(Qt::yellow); painter.drawPolygon(trapezoid); // Show image pic_->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } void MainWindow::chooseImage() { // Open file dialog for image selection QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), "", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)")); // If a file was selected, set it as the image source if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QPixmap image(fileName); pic_->setPixmap(image); } } void MainWindow::animateImage() { // Start animation animation_->start(); } void MainWindow::stopAnimation() { // Stop animation animation_->stop(); // Reset position of image pic_->move( QPoint(0, 0) ); } void MainWindow::closeApp() { // Close application qApp->quit(); } модифицируй этот код: При выборе команды Choose открывать окно диалога, содержащее: □ поле ввода Speed, для ввода скорости движения объекта; □ группу Direction из двух переключателей (Up-Down, Left-Right) для выбора направления движения; □ кнопку типа Button.
answer:#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QFileDialog> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QRadioButton> #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { // Set window title setWindowTitle("Abdugaffor L. - IVT1 B-22 - QT-GI-15"); // Create label for image pic_ = new QLabel(this); // Create animation for image animation_ = new QPropertyAnimation(pic_, "pos", this); animation_->setDuration(2000); animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(0, 0)); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(200, 200)); animation_->setLoopCount(-1); // Create and add menu createMenu(); // Set central widget as label for image setCentralWidget(pic_); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::createMenu() { // Create menu bar QMenuBar *menubar = menuBar(); // Create "File" menu file_ = menubar->addMenu("File"); // Create menu actions show_pic_ = new QAction("Show picture", this); choose_pic_ = new QAction("Choose", this); animate_ = new QAction("Animate", this); stop_ = new QAction("Stop", this); quit_ = new QAction("Quit", this); // Add actions to "File" menu file_->addAction(show_pic_); file_->addAction(choose_pic_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(animate_); file_->addAction(stop_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(quit_); // Connect signals and slots connect(show_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPicture())); connect(choose_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(chooseImage())); connect(animate_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(animateImage())); connect(stop_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopAnimation())); connect(quit_, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); } void MainWindow::showPicture() { // Create image QImage image(300, 300, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(Qt::white); // Draw rectangle QPainter painter(&image); painter.setBrush(Qt::blue); painter.drawRect(50, 50, 200, 100); // Draw triangle QPolygonF triangle; triangle.append(QPointF(150, 150)); triangle.append(QPointF(100, 250)); triangle.append(QPointF(200, 250)); painter.setBrush(Qt::red); painter.drawPolygon(triangle); // Draw circle painter.setBrush(Qt::green); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(100, 100, 100, 100)); // Draw trapezoid QPolygonF trapezoid; trapezoid.append(QPointF(100, 200)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(130, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(170, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(200, 200)); painter.setBrush(Qt::yellow); painter.drawPolygon(trapezoid); // Show image pic_->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } void MainWindow::chooseImage() { // Open file dialog for image selection QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), "", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)")); // If a file was selected, set it as the image source if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QPixmap image(fileName); pic_->setPixmap(image); // Create a dialog for speed and direction selection QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(this); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(dialog); // Add a text box for speed input int speed = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("Set Speed"), tr("Speed:"), 1, 1); // Add radio buttons for direction selection QGroupBox* groupbox = new QGroupBox(tr("Direction"), dialog); QRadioButton* radio_up_down = new QRadioButton(tr("Up-Down"), groupbox); QRadioButton* radio_left_right = new QRadioButton(tr("Left-Right"), groupbox); QHBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(groupbox); hlayout->addWidget(radio_up_down); hlayout->addWidget(radio_left_right); groupbox->setLayout(hlayout); layout->addWidget(groupbox); // Add a button to start animation QPushButton* button = new QPushButton(tr("Animate"), dialog); layout->addWidget(button); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(animateImage())); dialog->exec(); // Set the animation based on speed and direction selection if (radio_up_down->isChecked()) { animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(pic_->pos().x(), 0)); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(pic_->pos().x(), height() - pic_->height())); } else if (radio_left_right->isChecked()) { animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(0, pic_->pos().y())); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(width() - pic_->width(), pic_->pos().y())); } animation_->setDuration(1000 / speed); } } void MainWindow::animateImage() { // Start animation animation_->start(); } void MainWindow::stopAnimation() { // Stop animation animation_->stop(); // Reset position of image pic_->move(QPoint(0, 0)); } void MainWindow::closeApp() { // Close application qApp->quit(); }
question:#include “mainwindow.h” #include “ui_mainwindow.h” #include <QFileDialog> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QRadioButton> #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { // Set window title setWindowTitle(“Abdugaffor L. - IVT1 B-22 - QT-GI-15”); // Create label for image pic_ = new QLabel(this); // Create animation for image animation_ = new QPropertyAnimation(pic_, “pos”, this); animation_->setDuration(2000); animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(0, 0)); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(200, 200)); animation_->setLoopCount(-1); // Create and add menu createMenu(); // Set central widget as label for image setCentralWidget(pic_); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::createMenu() { // Create menu bar QMenuBar menubar = menuBar(); // Create “File” menu file_ = menubar->addMenu(“File”); // Create menu actions show_pic_ = new QAction(“Show picture”, this); choose_pic_ = new QAction(“Choose”, this); animate_ = new QAction(“Animate”, this); stop_ = new QAction(“Stop”, this); quit_ = new QAction(“Quit”, this); // Add actions to “File” menu file_->addAction(show_pic_); file_->addAction(choose_pic_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(animate_); file_->addAction(stop_); file_->addSeparator(); file_->addAction(quit_); // Connect signals and slots connect(show_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPicture())); connect(choose_pic_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(chooseImage())); connect(animate_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(animateImage())); connect(stop_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopAnimation())); connect(quit_, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); } void MainWindow::showPicture() { // Create image QImage image(300, 300, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(Qt::white); // Draw rectangle QPainter painter(&image); painter.setBrush(Qt::blue); painter.drawRect(50, 50, 200, 100); // Draw triangle QPolygonF triangle; triangle.append(QPointF(150, 150)); triangle.append(QPointF(100, 250)); triangle.append(QPointF(200, 250)); painter.setBrush(Qt::red); painter.drawPolygon(triangle); // Draw circle painter.setBrush(Qt::green); painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(100, 100, 100, 100)); // Draw trapezoid QPolygonF trapezoid; trapezoid.append(QPointF(100, 200)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(130, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(170, 250)); trapezoid.append(QPointF(200, 200)); painter.setBrush(Qt::yellow); painter.drawPolygon(trapezoid); // Show image pic_->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } void MainWindow::chooseImage() { // Open file dialog for image selection QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr(“Open Image”), “”, tr("Image Files (.png .jpg .bmp)")); // If a file was selected, set it as the image source if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QPixmap image(fileName); pic_->setPixmap(image); // Create a dialog for speed and direction selection QDialog dialog = new QDialog(this); QVBoxLayout layout = new QVBoxLayout(dialog); // Add a text box for speed input int speed = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr(“Set Speed”), tr(“Speed:”), 1, 1); // Add radio buttons for direction selection QGroupBox groupbox = new QGroupBox(tr(“Direction”), dialog); QRadioButton* radio_up_down = new QRadioButton(tr(“Up-Down”), groupbox); QRadioButton* radio_left_right = new QRadioButton(tr(“Left-Right”), groupbox); QHBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(groupbox); hlayout->addWidget(radio_up_down); hlayout->addWidget(radio_left_right); groupbox->setLayout(hlayout); layout->addWidget(groupbox); // Add a button to start animation QPushButton* button = new QPushButton(tr(“Animate”), dialog); layout->addWidget(button); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(animateImage())); dialog->exec(); // Set the animation based on speed and direction selection if (radio_up_down->isChecked()) { animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(pic_->pos().x(), 0)); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(pic_->pos().x(), height() - pic_->height())); } else if (radio_left_right->isChecked()) { animation_->setStartValue(QPoint(0, pic_->pos().y())); animation_->setEndValue(QPoint(width() - pic_->width(), pic_->pos().y())); } animation_->setDuration(1000 / speed); } } void MainWindow::animateImage() { // Start animation animation_->start(); } void MainWindow::stopAnimation() { // Stop animation animation_->stop(); // Reset position of image pic_->move(QPoint(0, 0)); } void MainWindow::closeApp() { // Close application qApp->quit(); } напиши что мне добавить в заголовочный файл minwindow.h
answer:В заголовочный файл MainWindow.h нужно добавить объявления следующих функций: - void createMenu(); // функция для создания меню - void showPicture(); // функция для отображения изображения - void chooseImage(); // функция для выбора изображения и настройки анимации - void animateImage(); // функция для запуска анимации - void stopAnimation(); // функция для остановки анимации - void closeApp(); // функция для закрытия приложения
question:dw_apb_ssi 的SLV_OE
answer:DW_APB_SSI的SLV_OE是一个输出使能信号,控制SSI core输出的SLV_MISO信号是否有效。当SLV_OE为高电平时,SSI core才会输出SLV_MISO信号,反之则不输出。这个信号可以由用户平台使用,以控制SSI slave设备在何时读取SSI master设备发出的数据。
answer:DW_APB_SSI控制器的CTRLR0寄存器用于配置SSI的工作模式、数据帧格式、以及时钟时序等参数。 DW_APB_SSI在进行主机模式操作时,需要配置以下控制寄存器: 1. 设置数据帧格式:在CTRLR0的DFS[3:0]字段中设置数据帧大小,DFS代表Data Frame Size,可设置数据帧的位宽。例如,如果DFS设置为7,则表示数据帧位宽为8个位。 2. 设置时钟极性和相位:在CTRLR0的CPHA、CPOL字段中设置SSI时钟时序的极性和相位。CPHA为SSI时钟相位,1表示在第二个边沿采样。CPOL为SSI时钟极性,1表示时钟线为高电平时表示时钟起始。 3. 设置SSI时钟频率:在CTRLR0的SCR[7:0]字段中设置SSI时钟频率。SCR代表Serial Clock Rate,设置SSI时钟频率的参数。可以通过修改DSPI_STATUS寄存器中的SSI_ENB字段和SSI_MODE字段来指定SSI控制器的总线协议、设置NSS信号等,来启动SSI主设备。 以下是一个DW_APB_SSI的CTRLR0配置示例: ```c /* 配置SSI数据帧的位宽和时钟相位、时钟极性 */ CTRLR0 = (16-1) << DW_SSI_CTRLR0_DFS_OFFSET | // DFS设置数据帧大小为16位 DW_SSI_CTRLR0_SPO | // SSI时钟极性设置为低电平表示时钟起始 DW_SSI_CTRLR0_SPH; // SSI时钟相位设置为在第二个边沿采样 /* 设置SSI时钟频率为1MHz */ SCR = 20-1; // 设置serial clock rate ``` 以上代码表示设置了数据帧大小为16位,时钟极性为低电平代表时钟起始,时钟相位为在第二个边沿采样,并设置SSI时钟频率为1MHz。