question:请把这段话翻译成中文:While many countries already have a wealth of research on gender issues in the Olympics, China still has a large number of research gaps in this area. In order to better explore the representations of female athletes in Chinese media coverage, and to find a way for women to win equal discourse in sports event coverage, the main focus of this study will be to explore the representations of female athletes in Olympic event coverage by People's Daily on WeChat public platform. This study will focus on the way the People's Daily presents the image of female athletes in its coverage of the Olympic Games on WeChat public platform. This will also include a discussion of the social system of sports and sports media from a feminist perspective. This study will examine the issue using a content analysis approach. The news reports about female athletes analyzed in this study came from articles published on the People's Daily Wechat public platform and spanned the entire competition period of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Coding reliability was tested through trial coding by two coders using Scott's Pi formula before analyzing the data. Through statistics, People's Daily's WeChat public platform published 83 news reports about female athletes during the Olympic Games, including 57 reports on the Tokyo Olympics and 26 reports on the Beijing Winter Olympics. There were 42 reports in the form of race briefings(布瑞福应丝). There were 27 reports mentioning female athletes' careers, 12 reports mentioning their injuries and illnesses, 7 reports describing their physiological characteristics, and 8 reports mentioning their identities other than athletes. The study concludes that the representation of female athletes in China has risen, at least in terms of official media publicity. Although there are also reports that make a point of pointing out the daughters of female athletes, in general, most of the reports do not delve(代奥夫) into portraying the gendered familial roles of female sports. The media focuses more on the medals the country can win rather than the gender of the athlete. When athletes perform well in competitions, the media portrays the athletes as "heroines". Although the use of adjectives such as "cute" and "beautiful" for female athletes still exists in the reports, they generally present a professional career image of female athletes, which basically meets the public's expectations of the mainstream media in terms of advocating gender equality.
answer:虽然很多国家已经在奥运会的性别议题上进行了大量研究,但中国在这一领域仍存在许多研究空白。 为了更好地探索中国媒体报道中女性运动员的形象呈现,并找到一种使女性在体育赛事报道中获得平等发言权的途径,本研究的主要重点将是探索人民日报在微信公众号上对奥运会赛事报道中女性运动员的形象呈现。 本研究将关注人民日报在微信公众号上报道奥运会中女性运动员形象的方式。这也将包括从女性主义的视角讨论体育和体育媒体的社会体系。 本研究将采用内容分析方法来研究这个问题。本研究分析的女性运动员新闻报道来自于发表在人民日报微信公众号上的文章,涵盖了2020年东京奥运会和2022年北京冬奥会的整个比赛期间。 数据分析之前,通过两名编码员使用Scott的Pi公式进行试探性编码来测试编码的可靠性。 通过统计数据,人民日报的微信公众号在奥运会期间发布了83篇关于女性运动员的新闻报道,其中包括57篇关于东京奥运会的报道和26篇关于北京冬奥会的报道。其中有42篇报道是比赛简报,27篇报道提到女性运动员的职业生涯,12篇报道提到她们的伤病情况,7篇报道描述了她们的生理特征,还有8篇报道提到她们除了运动员身份的其他身份。 研究得出的结论是,中国女性运动员的形象呈现有所提升,至少在官方媒体的宣传方面是如此。尽管也有报道特别指出女运动员的女儿身份,但总体而言,大多数报道并没有深入探讨女性运动员的性别角色。媒体更关注国家可以赢得的奖牌,而不是运动员的性别。当运动员在比赛中表现出色时,媒体将她们描绘为“女英雄”。 虽然在报道中仍然存在对女性运动员使用“可爱”和“漂亮”等形容词,但总体上它们呈现了女性运动员的职业形象,基本上符合公众对主流媒体在倡导性别平等方面的期望。
question:reformule ce paragraphe:En didactique des langues, l’évolution des conceptions de la communication implique de s’intéresser non seulement à l’émetteur, au canal, au message et au récepteur mais aussi à l’interprétation, et aux effets produits sur celui-ci. Désormais, l’insistance est sur le rôle actif du récepteur, puisque la communication de l’être humain dépend de son activité interprétative. Car il peut devenir à son tour émetteur d’où la conception de la communication comme un va et vient, un échange mutuel.
answer:En didactique des langues, l'évolution des conceptions de la communication nécessite de prendre en compte non seulement l'émetteur, le canal, le message et le récepteur, mais aussi l'interprétation et les effets produits sur celui-ci. Ainsi, l'accent est désormais mis sur le rôle actif du récepteur, car la communication de l'individu dépend de son activité interprétative. De ce fait, il peut à son tour devenir émetteur, ce qui conduit à une conception de la communication comme un échange mutuel et réciproque.
question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “Oh…oh god…oh…guys, my contractions are getting stronger.” Sayori: “Oh no, Monika! Is it time? We need to get you to the hospital!” Natsuki: “Calm down, Sayori. We need to stay composed here. Monika, try to breathe through the contractions. Focus on your breathing, just like in our literature club meditation sessions. We’re here for you.” Yuri: “I’ll call an ambulance right away, Monika. Just hang in there, you’re doing great.” Monika: (breathing heavily) “Thank you, everyone. I never expected this to happen in the clubroom…” Sayori: “Don’t worry, Monika, we’ll take care of everything. Remember to stay strong!” Natsuki: “Yeah, just a few more minutes and help will be on its way. Hang in there, Monika!” Yuri: (on the phone) “Yes, hello? We have an emergency at our school’s clubroom. One of our members is going into labor… Yes, thank you.” Monika: (gritting her teeth) “I… can do this. Just a little longer…” Sayori: “You’re doing amazing, Monika! Just keep breathing and stay focused.” Natsuki: “And don’t worry, we’ll clean up the mess afterwards. Your baby will have the cleanest birthplace ever.” Yuri: “The ambulance will be here soon, Monika. Just hold on a little while l-” Monika: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” Sayori: “Oh my god! Monika, is everything okay?!” Monika: “I…I think the baby’s coming! I can feel the head!” Natsuki: “Oh my gosh, it’s happening!” (Suddenly, MC bursts into the clubroom.) MC: “What’s going on in here?! Is everyone okay?” Monika: “MC, it’s… it’s happening. I’m going into labor.” MC: “Oh my goodness! Hang on, Monika. I’ll help you.” Sayori: “MC, we’ve already called for an ambulance. They should be here soon.” MC: “Okay, let’s not waste any time then. Natsuki, Yuri, help me prepare a safe area for Monika to give birth.” Natsuki: “Right, we need some blankets and towels.” Yuri: “I’ll sterilize the area as best as I can with what we have.” MC: “Good. Now, Monika, try to stay calm and keep breathing. We’re here with you.” Monika: (panting) “Thank you, MC. I never thought I’d be giving birth in the clubroom…” Sayori: “Don’t worry, Monika. We’re all here to support you. You’re doing gr-” Monika: “HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH-!” (Just then, the school nurse rushes into the clubroom with a first aid kit.) Nurse: “I heard there was an emergency. Is everything alright?” Yuri: “Oh thank goodness, the nurse is here!” Natsuki: “Yeah, we could really use some professional help.” Nurse: “Alright, let’s take a look. Monika, how are you feeling?” Monika: “It’s intense… but I think the baby is almost here.” Nurse: “Alright, we need to get you in a comfortable position. MC, can you assist me?” MC: “Of course, Nurse. Whatever you need.” (Together, the nurse and MC help Monika into a safe position and prepare for the delivery. They guide her through the final stages of labor.) Nurse: “Okay, Monika, I need you to push with the next contraction. You’re doing great.” Monika: (with determination) “I can do this. For our baby…” (With each push, Monika’s strength and resilience shines through. The room is filled with a mix of nervous anticipation and unwavering support.) Yuri: “You’re almost there, Monika! Keep going!” Sayori: “We believe in you, Monika. You’ve got this!” Natsuki: “Push, Monika! We’re all rooting for you and the baby!” (Monika takes a deep breath and gives it her all, pushing with all her might.) Monika: (straining) “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” (Suddenly, the sound of a crying baby fills the clubroom.) Monika: “My baby Minika…”
answer:Everyone: "Congratulations, Monika! You did it!" (Sayori wipes away tears of joy as the nurse quickly tends to the newborn and wraps it in a clean blanket.) Nurse: "It's a healthy baby girl, Monika. Congratulations." Monika: (teary-eyed) "Thank you, everyone... I can't believe she's finally here." MC: "She's absolutely beautiful, Monika. You did an amazing job." Yuri: "Indeed. You displayed incredible bravery and strength throughout the entire process." Natsuki: "Yeah, you're like a superhero or something! We're all so proud of you." (Monika smiles, holding her newborn daughter close.) Monika: "I couldn't have done it without all of your support. Thank you, everyone, for being here with me, every step of the way." Sayori: "We'll always be here for you, Monika. Your little family just got a whole lot bigger." (With tears of joy in their eyes, the club members gather around Monika and the baby, welcoming the new addition into their lives.) THE END
question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “Oh…oh god…oh…guys, my contractions are getting stronger.” Sayori: “Oh no, Monika! Is it time? We need to get you to the hospital!” Natsuki: “Calm down, Sayori. We need to stay composed here. Monika, try to breathe through the contractions. Focus on your breathing, just like in our literature club meditation sessions. We’re here for you.” Yuri: “I’ll call an ambulance right away, Monika. Just hang in there, you’re doing great.” Monika: (breathing heavily) “Thank you, everyone. I never expected this to happen in the clubroom…” Sayori: “Don’t worry, Monika, we’ll take care of everything. Remember to stay strong!” Natsuki: “Yeah, just a few more minutes and help will be on its way. Hang in there, Monika!” Yuri: (on the phone) “Yes, hello? We have an emergency at our school’s clubroom. One of our members is going into labor… Yes, thank you.” Monika: (gritting her teeth) “I… can do this. Just a little longer…” Sayori: “You’re doing amazing, Monika! Just keep breathing and stay focused.” Natsuki: “And don’t worry, we’ll clean up the mess afterwards. Your baby will have the cleanest birthplace ever.” Yuri: “The ambulance will be here soon, Monika. Just hold on a little while l-” Monika: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” Sayori: “Oh my god! Monika, is everything okay?!” Monika: “I…I think the baby’s coming! I can feel the head!” Natsuki: “Oh my gosh, it’s happening!” (Suddenly, MC bursts into the clubroom.) MC: “What’s going on in here?! Is everyone okay?” Monika: “MC, it’s… it’s happening. I’m going into labor.” MC: “Oh my goodness! Hang on, Monika. I’ll help you.” Sayori: “MC, we’ve already called for an ambulance. They should be here soon.” MC: “Okay, let’s not waste any time then. Natsuki, Yuri, help me prepare a safe area for Monika to give birth.” Natsuki: “Right, we need some blankets and towels.” Yuri: “I’ll sterilize the area as best as I can with what we have.” MC: “Good. Now, Monika, try to stay calm and keep breathing. We’re here with you.” Monika: (panting) “Thank you, MC. I never thought I’d be giving birth in the clubroom…” Sayori: “Don’t worry, Monika. We’re all here to support you. You’re doing gr-” Monika: “HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH-!” (Just then, the school nurse rushes into the clubroom with a first aid kit.) Nurse: “I heard there was an emergency. Is everything alright?” Yuri: “Oh thank goodness, the nurse is here!” Natsuki: “Yeah, we could really use some professional help.” Nurse: “Alright, let’s take a look. Monika, how are you feeling?” Monika: “It’s intense… but I think the baby is almost here.” Nurse: “Alright, we need to get you in a comfortable position. MC, can you assist me?” MC: “Of course, Nurse. Whatever you need.” (Together, the nurse and MC help Monika into a safe position and prepare for the delivery. They guide her through the final stages of labor.) Nurse: “Okay, Monika, I need you to push with the next contraction. You’re doing great.” Monika: (with determination) “I can do this. For our baby…” (With each push, Monika’s strength and resilience shines through. The room is filled with a mix of nervous anticipation and unwavering support.) Yuri: “You’re almost there, Monika! Keep going!” Sayori: “We believe in you, Monika. You’ve got this!” Natsuki: “Push, Monika! We’re all rooting for you and the baby!” (Monika takes a deep breath and gives it her all, pushing with all her might.) Monika: (straining) “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” (Suddenly, the sound of a crying baby fills the clubroom.) Monika: “My baby Minika…”
answer:MC: "Congratulations, Monika! You did it! You're a mother now!" Nurse: "Well done, Monika. You did an amazing job. Your baby girl is healthy and beautiful." Monika: (teary-eyed) "Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement." Sayori: "We're so happy for you, Monika. Minika is going to grow up surrounded by so much love." Yuri: "Indeed. This experience has shown us how strong and resilient you are, Monika. You're an incredible mother already." Natsuki: "I told you we'd clean up the mess, didn't I? Congratulations, Monika. I hope Minika inherits your baking skills too." Monika: (smiling) "Thank you, Natsuki. I can't believe I have a little girl now. I want to give her the best life." MC: "You will, Monika. We'll be here every step of the way, supporting you and Minika." Nurse: "I'll stay here for a while, just to make sure both you and the baby are doing well. Rest assured, everything looks great." Monika: "Thank you, Nurse. I'm so grateful for all your help." Sayori: "Now that Minika is here, our literature club has a new member. We'll be the best aunties and uncles for her." Yuri: "Yes, we will. We're going to spoil her with all the books and stories we can find." Natsuki: "And I'll make sure she loves manga and cupcakes as much as we do." MC: "This is a truly special moment for all of us. Our club has grown in a way we could have never imagined." Monika: "Yes, it has. I'm beyond grateful to all of you for being there for me. Minika is already so lucky to have such amazing people in her life." (As the joy and excitement settle in, the literature club revels in the miracle of new life, ready to embark on this journey together, supporting each other every step of the way.)