question:Two meteorologists were good friends and discussed diverse issues weekly. This week they will talk again. Tim read about the Greenhouse Effect while Norm read about the miniIce ages. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which friend learned more about solar energy reaching the surface of the Earth? Hint: Greenhouse Effect: The solar energy reaching the surface of the Earth is concentrated in short wavelengths, which can easily penetrate the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. The Earth, however, is cooler than the sun and it radiates its heat in the form of energy in the far infrared range. These longer wavelengths are partially absorbed by the greenhouse gases and some of the solar heat is returned to Earth. At a certain temperature these processes are in equilibrium and the surface temperature of the Earth is stable. However, if more greenhouse gases are put in the atmosphere the amount of trapped terrestrial radiation increases, leading to an increase in global temperature.
answer:Tim learned more about solar energy reaching the surface of the Earth through the Greenhouse Effect.
question:am testing my students' logic. What is the answer they should choose between a loud mosquito and a quiet mosquito? Logic test: Larry is at a picnic and he hears a mosquito buzzing. A few seconds later, he hears it again but it's much louder. (A) the second time the mosquito was closer to his ear (B) the first time the mosquito was closer to his ear
answer:Answer: (A) the second time the mosquito was closer to his ear.
question:this question asking for code, count, date, distance, price, order, period of time, percentage, speed, temperature, size, weight, other number? The film `` Jaws '' was made in what year ?
answer:Year. Answer: The film "Jaws" was made in 1975.
question:Take the following as truth: Prosecutors in South Africa are set to announce whether they will drop corruption charges against African National Congress leader Jacob Zuma. Mr Zuma is widely expected to become the country's next president after elections later this month. He is accused of graft, racketeering and moneylaundering in connection with an arms deal signed with western companies in 1999. The 66yearold denies the charges and says they are part of a political plot. Mr Zuma was first charged in 2005, but has yet to face trial. Then the following statement: Jacob Zuma is not running for president. is true, false, or inconclusive?