question:This text is missing some spaces, please add them: ThorstenAlteholzreportedthathewasassignedaworkloadof13.75hourstowardsSqueezeLTSwhichallowedhimtouploadnewversionsofrsyslog,torque,andlibxml2amongothers.
answer:Thorsten Alteholz reported that he was assigned a workload of 13.75 hours towards Squeeze LTS which allowed him to upload new versions of rsyslog, torque, and libxml2 among others.
question:Briefly summarize this sentence: `` the muse '' is a tangy little winner that finally might be the film to transform albert brooks from a connoisseur 's item into a mainstream success and increase awareness of sharon stone 's versatility and comic abilities .
answer:"The Muse" could be the film that makes Albert Brooks a mainstream success and showcases Sharon Stone's versatility and comedic talent.
question:Read the following article and answer the question. The ticket was a court summons . I thought I have to go to court for a missing front plate ? I 'll just put it on when I get home done . What 's the big deal ? what is the reason I imagine a court summons is a big deal ? OPTIONS: You might have to make a shiv in jail . The judge might call you bad names . None of the above choices . The judge might force you on a bread and water diet .
answer:None of the above choices.
question:AP The state appeals court Thursday declined to allow a new trial for a father convicted of beating a man to death at their sons' hockey practice. Which is the best summary of this article? OPTIONS: World Sports Business Science/Tech