question:Generate a story from key plot points: Turner will get 88 diseasefree bison to use for breeding . Yellowstone bison had been quarantined after concerns about brucellosis . Turner has 50,000 bison, making it the largest private herd in the world .
answer:Turner, with the world's largest private bison herd of 50,000, needed more disease-free bison for breeding. Luckily, Yellowstone had recently quarantined 88 bison after concerns were raised about brucellosis. Turner seized the opportunity and brought the bison into his herd. With the new additions, Turner was even better equipped to keep his bison population healthy and thriving.
question:Can you write a sentence about the topic motorcycle?
answer:A motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle typically powered by an engine and designed for either street or off-road riding.
question:New Haven was home to one of the important early events in the burgeoning antislavery movement when, in 1839, the trial of mutineering Mende tribesmen being transported as slaves on the Spanish slaveship Amistad was held in New Haven's United States District Court. There is a statue of Joseph Cinqué, the informal leader of the slaves, beside City Hall. See Museums below for more information. Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech on slavery in New Haven in 1860, shortly before he secured the Republican nomination for President. I want to know What famous president made a speech in New Haven in 1860? If you can't find the answer, please respond unanswerable.
answer:Abraham Lincoln made a speech in New Haven in 1860.
question:Given Steven David Daines (born August 20, 1962) is an American businessman, entrepreneur, and the junior United States Senator from Montana. He was the United States Representative for Montana's atlarge congressional district from 2013 to 2015. In the 2014 election, he won an open U.S. Senate seat, defeating Democrat Amanda Curtis. Should we assume that Steven Daines won his senate election by 15% of the vote. is true? Yes, no, or maybe?
answer:Maybe. The statement is not supported by the given information.