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question://+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| //| Copyright 2023, lengockhanhhai| //| <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS>| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "2023."; #property link "[email protected]" #property version "1.10"; #property strict extern string Minimal_Deposit = "200"; extern string Time_Frame = "Time Frame M1"; extern string Pairs = "EurUsd"; extern bool Use_Daily_Target = true; extern double Daily_Target = 100; extern bool Hidden_TP = true; extern double Hiden_TP = 500; extern double Lot = 0.01; extern double LotMultiplikator = 1.21; extern double TakeProfit = 34; extern double Step = 21; extern double Averaging = 1; extern int MaxTrades = 31; extern bool UseEquityStop; extern double TotalEquityRisk = 20; extern int Open_Hour; extern int Close_Hour = 23; extern bool TradeOnThursday = true; extern int Thursday_Hour = 12; extern bool TradeOnFriday = true; extern int Friday_Hour = 20; extern bool Filter_Sideway = true; extern bool Filter_News = true; extern bool invisible_mode = true; extern double OpenRangePips = 1; extern double MaxDailyRange = 20000; extern double StopLossInPips = 20; string I_s_0; int I_i_0; double I_d_0; double I_d_1; int I_i_1; double G_d_2; int G_i_2; int G_i_3; double G_d_3; int G_i_4; int G_i_5; int G_i_6; int G_i_7; int G_i_8; int G_i_9; int G_i_10; int G_i_11; int G_i_12; int G_i_13; int G_i_14; int G_i_15; double G_d_4; int G_i_16; int G_i_17; int G_i_18; int G_i_19; int G_i_20; double G_d_5; int G_i_21; int G_i_22; int G_i_23; double G_d_6; int G_i_24; int G_i_25; int G_i_26; double G_d_7; int G_i_27; int G_i_28; int G_i_29; double G_d_8; int G_i_30; int G_i_31; int G_i_32; double G_d_9; double G_d_10; int G_i_33; int G_i_34; double G_d_11; int G_i_35; int G_i_36; int G_i_37; double G_d_12; double G_d_13; int G_i_38; int G_i_39; double G_d_14; int G_i_40; int G_i_41; int G_i_42; double G_d_15; int G_i_43; int G_i_44; double G_d_16; int G_i_45; int G_i_46; bool G_b_0; double G_d_17; double G_d_18; int G_i_47; int G_i_48; double G_d_19; int G_i_49; int G_i_50; int G_i_51; double G_d_20; double G_d_21; int G_i_52; int G_i_53; double G_d_22; int G_i_54; int G_i_55; int G_i_56; bool G_b_1; double G_d_23; double G_d_24; int G_i_57; int G_i_58; double G_d_25; int G_i_59; int G_i_60; int G_i_61; double G_d_26; double G_d_27; int G_i_62; int G_i_63; double G_d_28; int G_i_64; int G_i_65; int G_i_66; int G_i_67; int G_i_68; bool I_b_2; bool G_b_3; double G_d_29; double I_d_30; double G_d_31; double I_d_32; bool G_b_4; string I_s_1; bool I_b_5; double G_d_33; long G_l_1; long I_l_2; int G_i_70; bool I_b_7; int I_i_71; double I_d_34; int G_i_73; int G_i_75; bool G_b_9; double I_d_43; bool I_b_10; double I_d_44; int I_i_76; int I_i_77; double I_d_45; double I_d_46; double I_d_47; bool I_b_11; int I_i_78; int I_i_79; bool I_b_12; double I_d_48; double I_d_49; double I_d_50; bool I_b_13; long G_l_3; long G_l_4; int I_i_80; int G_i_81; int I_i_84; double G_d_55; double G_d_56; int G_i_85; double I_d_57; double I_d_58; int G_i_87; bool I_b_16; int I_i_88; bool I_b_17; bool I_b_18; bool I_b_19; double I_d_63; double I_d_64; bool I_b_20; double G_d_65; bool I_b_22; double I_d_66; int G_i_89; bool I_b_23; double I_d_67; double I_d_69; bool I_b_24; int I_i_90; string I_s_2; int G_i_91; int I_i_92; double G_d_70; int G_i_93; int G_i_97; double I_d_74; double I_d_75; int I_i_98; int G_i_99; long G_l_5; double I_d_76; double G_d_77; int G_i_100; double G_d_78; double I_d_79; double I_d_80; double I_d_81; double I_d_82; double I_d_83; double I_d_84; int G_i_102; long G_l_6; long G_l_7; int G_i_105; int G_i_106; long G_l_8; long G_l_9; int G_i_110; int G_i_111; int G_i_112; long G_l_10; long G_l_11; int G_i_115; long G_l_12; long G_l_13; int G_i_119; long G_l_14; long G_l_15; int G_i_124; long G_l_16; long G_l_17; double G_d_104; double I_d_105; string I_s_3; int I_i_129; string I_s_4; string I_s_5; string I_s_6; string I_s_7; int I_i_130; int I_i_131; int I_i_132; int I_i_133; int I_i_134; int I_i_135; int I_i_136; int I_i_137; bool I_b_43; string I_s_8; string I_s_9; double G_d_106; double G_d_108; long G_l_20; long G_l_21; long G_l_22; long G_l_23; double G_d_109; double G_d_110; double G_d_111; double G_d_112; double G_d_113; double G_d_114; double G_d_115; double G_d_116; double G_d_117; double G_d_118; double G_d_119; double G_d_120; int G_i_139; double G_d_121; double G_d_122; double G_d_123; double G_d_124; bool G_b_44; double G_d_125; double G_d_126; bool G_b_45; int G_i_143; bool G_b_46; bool G_b_47; double G_d_127; double G_d_128; int G_i_146; bool G_b_48; double returned_double; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { I_s_2 = "Euro Scalper"; I_d_67 = 2; I_s_3 = "Euro Scalper"; I_i_129 = 1; I_s_4 = " MARTIN 1 - on. 2 - off."; I_i_98 = 1; I_b_24 = true; I_d_45 = 0; I_d_34 = 5; I_s_5 = "true = Fixed Lot, false = Account Balance"; I_b_10 = true; I_d_105 = 30; I_d_44 = 0; I_d_30 = 0; I_i_77 = 1; I_d_46 = 0; I_d_82 = 0; I_d_50 = 10; I_d_49 = 10; I_d_47 = 0; I_s_6 = "汤X Number of trades 29 max 27 2x"; I_s_7 = "Stop Loss"; I_b_23 = false; I_b_12 = false; I_b_13 = false; I_d_76 = 48; I_b_11 = false; I_i_79 = 2; I_i_78 = 16; I_i_0 = 1111111; I_i_71 = 0; I_b_20 = true; I_d_43 = 0; I_d_80 = 0; I_d_66 = 0; I_d_81 = 0; I_d_84 = 0; I_d_48 = 0; I_d_74 = 0; I_d_75 = 0; I_d_63 = 0; I_d_64 = 0; I_d_1 = 0; I_b_17 = false; I_i_130 = 0; I_i_80 = 0; I_i_90 = 0; I_d_69 = 0; I_i_84 = 0; I_i_88 = 0; I_d_83 = 0; I_b_22 = false; I_b_18 = false; I_b_19 = false; I_i_92 = 0; I_b_16 = false; I_i_131 = 0; I_i_132 = 0; I_d_57 = 0; I_d_58 = 0; I_i_133 = 14; I_i_134 = 55295; I_i_135 = 42495; I_i_136 = 8421504; I_i_137 = 5197615; I_i_76 = -2; I_b_7 = false; I_b_5 = false; I_b_43 = true; I_s_9 = "ACCOUNT ANDA BELUM TERDAFTAR! UNTUK DIPAKAI DI LIVE ACCOUNT,HUBUNGI"; int L_i_15; L_i_15 = 0; I_s_0 = "Daftar account,358795,3720446,71328690,3710974,64513290,71417917,71328956,71423205,,,"; if (_Symbol == "AUDCADm" || _Symbol == "AUDCAD") { I_i_0 = 101101; } if (_Symbol == "AUDJPYm" || _Symbol == "AUDJPY") { I_i_0 = 101102; } if (_Symbol == "AUDNZDm" || _Symbol == "AUDNZD") { I_i_0 = 101103; } if (_Symbol == "AUDUSDm" || _Symbol == "AUDUSD") { I_i_0 = 101104; } if (_Symbol == "CHFJPYm" || _Symbol == "CHFJPY") { I_i_0 = 101105; } if (_Symbol == "EURAUDm" || _Symbol == "EURAUD") { I_i_0 = 101106; } if (_Symbol == "EURCADm" || _Symbol == "EURCAD") { I_i_0 = 101107; } if (_Symbol == "EURCHFm" || _Symbol == "EURCHF") { I_i_0 = 101108; } if (_Symbol == "EURGBPm" || _Symbol == "EURGBP") { I_i_0 = 101109; } if (_Symbol == "EURJPYm" || _Symbol == "EURJPY") { I_i_0 = 101110; } if (_Symbol == "EURUSDm" || _Symbol == "EURUSD") { I_i_0 = 101111; } if (_Symbol == "GBPCHFm" || _Symbol == "GBPCHF") { I_i_0 = 101112; } if (_Symbol == "GBPJPYm" || _Symbol == "GBPJPY") { I_i_0 = 101113; } if (_Symbol == "GBPUSDm" || _Symbol == "GBPUSD") { I_i_0 = 101114; } if (_Symbol == "NZDJPYm" || _Symbol == "NZDJPY") { I_i_0 = 101115; } if (_Symbol == "NZDUSDm" || _Symbol == "NZDUSD") { I_i_0 = 101116; } if (_Symbol == "USDCHFm" || _Symbol == "USDCHF") { I_i_0 = 101117; } if (_Symbol == "USDJPYm" || _Symbol == "USDJPY") { I_i_0 = 101118; } if (_Symbol == "USDCADm" || _Symbol == "USDCAD") { I_i_0 = 101119; } if (I_i_0 == 0) { I_i_0 = 999999; } I_d_1 = (MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_SPREAD) * _Point); L_i_15 = 0; return 0; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { string S_s_20; string S_s_21; string S_s_22; string S_s_23; string S_s_14; string S_s_15; string S_s_16; string S_s_17; string S_s_18; string S_s_19; int L_i_15; int L_i_11; string L_s_0; double L_d_0; double L_d_1; double L_d_2; double L_d_3; int L_i_3; int L_i_4; double L_d_4; double L_d_5; double L_d_6; int L_i_5; string L_s_1; string L_s_2; double L_d_7; double L_d_8; double L_d_9; double L_d_10; double L_d_11; double L_d_12; L_i_15 = 0; L_i_11 = 0; L_d_0 = 0; L_d_1 = 0; L_d_2 = 0; L_d_3 = 0; L_i_3 = 0; L_i_4 = 0; L_d_4 = 0; L_d_5 = 0; L_d_6 = 0; L_i_5 = 0; L_d_7 = 0; L_d_8 = 0; L_d_9 = 0; L_d_10 = 0; L_d_11 = 0; L_d_12 = 0; G_d_2 = 0; G_i_2 = 0; G_i_3 = 0; G_d_3 = 0; G_i_4 = 0; G_i_5 = 0; G_i_6 = 0; G_i_7 = 0; G_i_8 = 0; G_i_9 = 0; G_i_10 = 0; G_i_11 = 0; G_i_12 = 0; G_i_13 = 0; G_i_14 = 0; G_i_15 = 0; G_d_4 = 0; G_i_16 = 0; G_i_17 = 0; G_i_18 = 0; G_i_19 = 0; G_i_20 = 0; G_d_5 = 0; G_i_21 = 0; G_i_22 = 0; G_i_23 = 0; G_d_6 = 0; G_i_24 = 0; G_i_25 = 0; G_i_26 = 0; G_d_7 = 0; G_i_27 = 0; G_i_28 = 0; G_i_29 = 0; G_d_8 = 0; G_i_30 = 0; G_i_31 = 0; G_i_32 = 0; G_d_9 = 0; G_d_10 = 0; G_i_33 = 0; G_i_34 = 0; G_d_11 = 0; G_i_35 = 0; G_i_36 = 0; G_i_37 = 0; G_d_12 = 0; G_d_13 = 0; G_i_38 = 0; G_i_39 = 0; G_d_14 = 0; G_i_40 = 0; G_i_41 = 0; G_i_42 = 0; G_d_15 = 0; G_i_43 = 0; G_i_44 = 0; G_d_16 = 0; G_i_45 = 0; G_i_46 = 0; G_b_0 = false; G_d_17 = 0; G_d_18 = 0; G_i_47 = 0; G_i_48 = 0; G_d_19 = 0; G_i_49 = 0; G_i_50 = 0; G_i_51 = 0; G_d_20 = 0; G_d_21 = 0; G_i_52 = 0; G_i_53 = 0; G_d_22 = 0; G_i_54 = 0; G_i_55 = 0; G_i_56 = 0; G_b_1 = false; G_d_23 = 0; G_d_24 = 0; G_i_57 = 0; G_i_58 = 0; G_d_25 = 0; G_i_59 = 0; G_i_60 = 0; G_i_61 = 0; G_d_26 = 0; G_d_27 = 0; G_i_62 = 0; G_i_63 = 0; G_d_28 = 0; G_i_64 = 0; G_i_65 = 0; G_i_66 = 0; G_i_67 = 0; G_i_68 = 0; /* if (IsTesting()) { Alert("This EA Cannot be Backtest (Maaf ya EA tidak Bisa di Backtest wkwkwkwkw) "); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } */ L_i_11 = ObjectsTotal(-1) - 1; if (L_i_11 >= 0) { do { L_s_0 = ObjectName(L_i_11); if ((ObjectGet(L_s_0, OBJPROP_TIME1) > 0)) { G_d_29 = ObjectGet(L_s_0, OBJPROP_TIME1); G_d_31 = (I_d_30 * 86400); if ((G_d_29 < (Time[0] - G_d_31))) { ObjectDelete(L_s_0); } } L_i_11 = L_i_11 - 1; } while (L_i_11 >= 0); } /* S_s_20 = (string)AccountNumber(); S_s_20 = "," + S_s_20; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + ","; I_s_1 = S_s_20; I_i_1 = StringFind(I_s_0, I_s_1, 0); if (I_i_1 == -1) { I_b_5 = false; } else { I_b_5 = true; } if (I_i_1 == 238 && IsDemo() == false) { Alert("ACCOUNT ANDA BELUM TERDAFTAR!HUBUNGI"); ObjectCreate(0, "Copyright", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 1); ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 20); ObjectSetText("Copyright", "For Aktivasi EA =>", 20, "Times New Roman", 65535); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } */ ObjectCreate(0, "j", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSet("j", OBJPROP_CORNER, 4); ObjectSet("j", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 4); ObjectSet("j", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10); ObjectSetText("j", "Euro Scalper NDD", 19, "Times New Roman Bold", 65280); S_s_20 = "nLisensi n================================nINFORMATION:n Nama Broker " + AccountCompany(); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "================================"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "ACC INFORMATION:"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " Nomor Account :"; S_s_21 = (string)AccountNumber(); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + S_s_21; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " Account Leverage: "; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + DoubleToString(AccountLeverage(), 0); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " Mata Uang : "; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + AccountCurrency(); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " EQUITY: "; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + DoubleToString(AccountEquity(), 2); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " BALANCE:"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + DoubleToString(AccountBalance(), 2); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "================="; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "MARGIN INFORMATION:"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " Free Margin : "; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + DoubleToString(AccountFreeMargin(), 2); S_s_20 = S_s_20 + "n"; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + " Used Margin : "; S_s_20 = S_s_20 + DoubleToString(AccountMargin(), 2); Comment("n ", S_s_20, "nnn :: Spread: ", MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_SPREAD), "n================="); L_d_0 = 0; L_d_1 = 0; L_d_2 = 0; L_d_3 = 0; L_i_3 = (int)MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL); L_i_4 = (int)MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_SPREAD); L_d_4 = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_POINT); L_d_5 = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_BID); L_d_6 = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_ASK); L_i_5 = (int)MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_DIGITS); if (Use_Daily_Target) { G_d_2 = 0; G_i_2 = HistoryTotal(); if (G_i_2 >= 0) { do { if (OrderSelect(G_i_2, 0, 1) && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_0) { G_l_1 = OrderCloseTime(); if (G_l_1 >= iTime(_Symbol, 1440, 0) && OrderType() <= OP_SELL) { G_d_33 = OrderProfit(); G_d_33 = (G_d_33 + OrderCommission()); G_d_2 = ((G_d_33 + OrderSwap()) + G_d_2); } } G_i_2 = G_i_2 - 1; } while (G_i_2 >= 0); } if ((G_d_2 >= Daily_Target)) { G_i_70 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_3 = G_i_70; if (G_i_70 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_3, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, (int)I_d_34, 16711680); } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, (int)I_d_34, 255); } } Sleep(1000); } G_i_3 = G_i_3 - 1; } while (G_i_3 >= 0); } Print("nSelamat target harian tercapai"); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } } if (Hidden_TP) { G_d_3 = 0; G_i_4 = 0; G_i_4 = 0; if (OrdersTotal() > 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_4, 0, 0) || (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_0)) { G_d_3 = (G_d_3 + OrderProfit()); } G_i_4 = G_i_4 + 1; } while (G_i_4 < OrdersTotal()); } if ((Hiden_TP <= G_d_3)) { Print("nMagic Take Profit"); G_i_73 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_5 = G_i_73; if (G_i_73 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_5, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, (int)I_d_34, 16711680); } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, (int)I_d_34, 255); } } Sleep(1000); } G_i_5 = G_i_5 - 1; } while (G_i_5 >= 0); } } } if ((I_d_43 == 0)) { I_d_43 = AccountBalance(); } if (I_b_10) { I_d_44 = Lot; } else { if ((I_d_44 == -1)) { I_d_44 = (((AccountBalance() * I_d_105) / 100) / 10000); } else { if ((I_i_76 == Averaging)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { I_d_44 = (I_d_44 * LotMultiplikator); } else { I_d_44 = (I_d_44 + Lot); } } } } if ((I_i_76 >= Averaging)) { I_i_76 = -2; } G_i_7 = 0; S_s_21 = _Symbol; G_i_8 = OrdersTotal(); G_i_9 = 0; G_i_10 = 0; if (G_i_8 > 0) { do { bool order_select = OrderSelect(G_i_10, 0, 0); if (OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_0 && OrderSymbol() == S_s_21 && G_i_7 == OrderType()) { G_i_75 = G_i_9 + 1; G_i_9 = G_i_75; } G_i_10 = G_i_10 + 1; } while (G_i_10 < G_i_8); } G_i_6 = G_i_9; G_i_11 = 1; S_s_22 = _Symbol; G_i_12 = OrdersTotal(); G_i_13 = 0; G_i_14 = 0; if (G_i_12 > 0) { do { bool order_select = OrderSelect(G_i_14, 0, 0); if (OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_0 && OrderSymbol() == S_s_22 && G_i_11 == OrderType()) { G_i_75 = G_i_13 + 1; G_i_13 = G_i_75; } G_i_14 = G_i_14 + 1; } while (G_i_14 < G_i_12); } G_i_75 = G_i_6 + G_i_13; if (G_i_75 == 0) { I_i_76 = -2; G_b_9 = (I_d_43 != AccountBalance()); if (G_b_9) { I_d_43 = 0; I_d_44 = 0; } } if (I_i_77 == 1) { I_d_45 = LotMultiplikator; } else { I_d_45 = Lot; } I_d_46 = TakeProfit; I_d_47 = Step; I_i_71 = I_i_0; L_s_1 = "false"; L_s_2 = "false"; G_i_75 = I_b_11; if ((G_i_75 == 0) || (I_b_11 && I_i_78 > I_i_79 && Hour() >= I_i_79 && Hour() <= I_i_78) || (I_i_79 > I_i_78 && Hour() < I_i_78 && Hour() > I_i_79)) { L_s_1 = "true"; } if (I_b_11) { if ((I_i_78 > I_i_79 && Hour() < I_i_79 && Hour() > I_i_78) || (I_i_79 > I_i_78 && Hour() >= I_i_78 && Hour() <= I_i_79)) { L_s_2 = "true"; } } if (I_b_12) { f0_18((int)I_d_50, (int)I_d_49, (int)I_d_48); } if (I_b_13) { G_l_3 = TimeCurrent(); G_l_4 = I_i_80; if (G_l_3 >= G_l_4) { G_i_81 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_15 = G_i_81; if (G_i_81 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_15, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, (int)I_d_34, 16711680); } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, (int)I_d_34, 255); } } Sleep(1000); } G_i_15 = G_i_15 - 1; } while (G_i_15 >= 0); } Print("Closed All due to TimeOut"); } } G_d_4 = 0; I_i_84 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (I_i_84 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(I_i_84, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_d_4 = (G_d_4 + OrderProfit()); } } I_i_84 = I_i_84 - 1; } while (I_i_84 >= 0); } L_d_7 = G_d_4; if (UseEquityStop && (G_d_4 < 0)) { G_d_55 = fabs(G_d_4); G_d_56 = (TotalEquityRisk / 100); G_i_16 = 0; G_i_85 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_17 = G_i_85; if (G_i_85 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_17, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_16 = G_i_16 + 1; } } G_i_17 = G_i_17 - 1; } while (G_i_17 >= 0); } if (G_i_16 == 0) { I_d_57 = AccountEquity(); } if ((I_d_57 < I_d_58)) { I_d_57 = I_d_58; } else { I_d_57 = AccountEquity(); } I_d_58 = AccountEquity(); if ((G_d_55 > (G_d_56 * I_d_57))) { G_i_85 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_18 = G_i_85; if (G_i_85 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_18, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, (int)I_d_34, 16711680); } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { I_b_7 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, (int)I_d_34, 255); } } Sleep(1000); } G_i_18 = G_i_18 - 1; } while (G_i_18 >= 0); } Print("Closed All due to Stop Out"); I_b_16 = false; } } G_i_19 = 0; G_i_87 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_20 = G_i_87; if (G_i_87 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_20, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_19 = G_i_19 + 1; } } G_i_20 = G_i_20 - 1; } while (G_i_20 >= 0); } I_i_88 = G_i_19; if (G_i_19 == 0) { I_b_17 = false; } I_i_84 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (I_i_84 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(I_i_84, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_b_18 = true; I_b_19 = false; L_d_0 = OrderLots(); break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { I_b_18 = false; I_b_19 = true; L_d_1 = OrderLots(); break; } } I_i_84 = I_i_84 - 1; } while (I_i_84 >= 0); } if (I_i_88 > 0 && I_i_88 <= MaxTrades) { RefreshRates(); G_d_5 = 0; G_i_21 = 0; G_i_22 = 0; G_i_87 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_23 = G_i_87; if (G_i_87 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_23, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_21 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_21 > G_i_22) { G_d_5 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_22 = G_i_21; } } G_i_23 = G_i_23 - 1; } while (G_i_23 >= 0); } I_d_63 = G_d_5; G_d_6 = 0; G_i_24 = 0; G_i_25 = 0; G_i_87 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_26 = G_i_87; if (G_i_87 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_26, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_i_24 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_24 > G_i_25) { G_d_6 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_25 = G_i_24; } } G_i_26 = G_i_26 - 1; } while (G_i_26 >= 0); } I_d_64 = G_d_6; if (I_b_20 == 0) { if (I_b_18) { G_d_65 = (I_d_63 - Ask); if ((G_d_65 >= (I_d_47 * _Point))) { I_b_22 = true; } } if (I_b_19 != false) { G_d_65 = (Bid - I_d_64); if ((G_d_65 >= (I_d_47 * _Point))) { I_b_22 = true; } } } else { if (I_b_20 == true && Volume[0] < 5) { if (I_b_18) { G_d_104 = (I_d_63 - Ask); if ((G_d_104 >= (I_d_47 * _Point))) { I_b_22 = true; } } if (I_b_19) { G_d_104 = (Bid - I_d_64); if ((G_d_104 >= (I_d_47 * _Point))) { I_b_22 = true; } } } } } if (I_i_88 < 1) { I_b_19 = false; I_b_18 = false; if (I_b_20 == 0) { I_b_22 = true; } else { if (I_b_20 == true && Volume[0] < 2) { I_b_22 = true; } } I_d_66 = AccountEquity(); I_d_66 = AccountEquity(); } if (I_b_22) { G_d_7 = 0; G_i_27 = 0; G_i_28 = 0; G_i_89 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_29 = G_i_89; if (G_i_89 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_29, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_27 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_27 > G_i_28) { G_d_7 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_28 = G_i_27; } } G_i_29 = G_i_29 - 1; } while (G_i_29 >= 0); } I_d_63 = G_d_7; G_d_8 = 0; G_i_30 = 0; G_i_31 = 0; G_i_89 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_32 = G_i_89; if (G_i_89 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_32, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_i_30 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_30 > G_i_31) { G_d_8 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_31 = G_i_30; } } G_i_32 = G_i_32 - 1; } while (G_i_32 >= 0); } I_d_64 = G_d_8; if (I_b_19 != false) { if (I_b_23 || L_s_2 == "true") { f0_1(false, true); if (I_i_76 == -2) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { I_d_69 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_45 * L_d_1), (int)I_d_67); } else { I_d_69 = NormalizeDouble((Lot + L_d_1), (int)I_d_67); } } } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_10 = 0; G_i_33 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_10 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_10 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_10 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_33 = 0; G_d_10 = I_d_44; G_i_119 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_34 = G_i_119; if (G_i_119 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_34, 0, 1)) { G_d_9 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_14 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_15 = G_i_33; if (G_l_15 < G_l_14) { G_i_33 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_10 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_10 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_10 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_34 = G_i_34 - 1; } while (G_i_34 >= 0); } } G_i_91 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_91 == 134) { G_d_9 = -2; } else { G_d_9 = G_d_10; } I_d_69 = G_d_9; } } if (I_b_24 && L_s_1 == "true") { I_i_90 = I_i_88; if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { RefreshRates(); S_s_23 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_23 = S_s_23 + I_s_2; S_s_23 = S_s_23 + "-"; S_s_14 = (string)I_i_88; S_s_23 = S_s_23 + S_s_14; I_i_92 = f0_15(1, I_d_69, Bid, (int)I_d_34, Ask, 0, 0, S_s_23, I_i_71, 0, 11823615); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print("Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_11 = 0; G_i_35 = 0; G_i_36 = 0; G_i_91 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_37 = G_i_91; if (G_i_91 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_37, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_i_35 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_35 > G_i_36) { G_d_11 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_36 = G_i_35; } } G_i_37 = G_i_37 - 1; } while (G_i_37 >= 0); } I_d_64 = G_d_11; I_b_22 = false; I_b_16 = true; } } } else { if (I_b_18) { if (I_b_23 || L_s_2 == "true") { f0_1(true, false); if (I_i_76 == -2) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { I_d_69 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_45 * L_d_0), (int)I_d_67); } else { I_d_69 = NormalizeDouble((Lot + L_d_0), (int)I_d_67); } } } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_13 = 0; G_i_38 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_13 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_13 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_13 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_38 = 0; G_d_13 = I_d_44; G_i_124 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_39 = G_i_124; if (G_i_124 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_39, 0, 1)) { G_d_12 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_16 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_17 = G_i_38; if (G_l_17 < G_l_16) { G_i_38 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_13 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_13 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_13 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_39 = G_i_39 - 1; } while (G_i_39 >= 0); } } G_i_93 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_93 == 134) { G_d_12 = -2; } else { G_d_12 = G_d_13; } I_d_69 = G_d_12; } } if (I_b_24 && L_s_1 == "true") { I_i_90 = I_i_88; if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { S_s_14 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_14 = S_s_14 + I_s_2; S_s_14 = S_s_14 + "-"; S_s_15 = (string)I_i_88; S_s_14 = S_s_14 + S_s_15; I_i_92 = f0_15(0, I_d_69, Ask, (int)I_d_34, Bid, 0, 0, S_s_14, I_i_71, 0, 65280); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print("Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_14 = 0; G_i_40 = 0; G_i_41 = 0; G_i_93 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_42 = G_i_93; if (G_i_93 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_42, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_40 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_40 > G_i_41) { G_d_14 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_41 = G_i_40; } } G_i_42 = G_i_42 - 1; } while (G_i_42 >= 0); } I_d_63 = G_d_14; I_b_22 = false; I_b_16 = true; } } } } } if ((OpenRangePips > 0) && (MaxDailyRange > 0)) { G_d_15 = 0; G_i_43 = DayOfYear(); G_i_44 = 0; if (Bars > 0) { do { if (TimeDayOfYear(iTime(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_44)) == G_i_43) { G_d_15 = iOpen(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_44); } if (TimeDayOfYear(iTime(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_44)) != G_i_43) break; G_i_44 = G_i_44 + 1; } while (G_i_44 < Bars); } L_d_8 = NormalizeDouble(((OpenRangePips * _Point) + G_d_15), _Digits); G_d_16 = 0; G_i_45 = DayOfYear(); G_i_46 = 0; if (Bars > 0) { do { if (TimeDayOfYear(iTime(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_46)) == G_i_45) { G_d_16 = iOpen(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_46); } if (TimeDayOfYear(iTime(_Symbol, _Period, G_i_46)) != G_i_45) break; G_i_46 = G_i_46 + 1; } while (G_i_46 < Bars); } G_d_70 = (OpenRangePips * _Point); L_d_9 = NormalizeDouble((G_d_16 - G_d_70), _Digits); L_d_10 = NormalizeDouble(((MaxDailyRange * _Point) + L_d_8), _Digits); G_d_70 = (MaxDailyRange * _Point); L_d_11 = NormalizeDouble((L_d_9 - G_d_70), _Digits); if ((Close[0] > L_d_8 && Close[0] < L_d_10) || (Close[0] < L_d_9 && Close[0] > L_d_11)) { if (I_b_22 && I_i_88 < 1) { G_b_0 = true; if (TradeOnThursday == false && DayOfWeek() == 4) { G_b_0 = false; } if (TradeOnThursday && DayOfWeek() == 4 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) > Thursday_Hour) { G_b_0 = false; } if (TradeOnFriday == false && DayOfWeek() == 5) { G_b_0 = false; } if (TradeOnFriday && DayOfWeek() == 5 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) > Friday_Hour) { G_b_0 = false; } if (Open_Hour == 24) { Open_Hour = 0; } if (Close_Hour == 24) { Close_Hour = 0; } if (Open_Hour < Close_Hour) { if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < Open_Hour || TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= Close_Hour) { G_b_0 = false; } } if (Open_Hour > Close_Hour && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < Open_Hour && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= Close_Hour) { G_b_0 = false; } G_i_97 = G_b_0; if (G_i_97 == 1) { L_d_2 = iClose(_Symbol, 0, 2); returned_double = iClose(_Symbol, 0, 1); L_d_3 = returned_double; I_d_74 = Bid; I_d_75 = Ask; if (I_b_19 == false && I_b_18 == false && L_s_1 == "true") { I_i_90 = I_i_88; if ((L_d_2 > returned_double)) { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_18 = 0; G_i_47 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_18 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_18 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_18 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_47 = 0; G_d_18 = I_d_44; G_i_102 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_48 = G_i_102; if (G_i_102 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_48, 0, 1)) { G_d_17 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_6 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_7 = G_i_47; if (G_l_7 < G_l_6) { G_i_47 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_18 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_18 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_18 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_48 = G_i_48 - 1; } while (G_i_48 >= 0); } } G_i_99 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_99 == 134) { G_d_17 = -2; } else { G_d_17 = G_d_18; } I_d_69 = G_d_17; } if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { S_s_15 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_15 = S_s_15 + I_s_2; S_s_15 = S_s_15 + "-"; S_s_16 = (string)I_i_90; S_s_15 = S_s_15 + S_s_16; I_i_92 = f0_15(1, I_d_69, I_d_74, (int)I_d_34, I_d_74, 0, 0, S_s_15, I_i_71, 0, 11823615); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print(I_d_69, "Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_19 = 0; G_i_49 = 0; G_i_50 = 0; G_i_99 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_51 = G_i_99; if (G_i_99 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_51, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_49 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_49 > G_i_50) { G_d_19 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_50 = G_i_49; } } G_i_51 = G_i_51 - 1; } while (G_i_51 >= 0); } I_d_63 = G_d_19; I_b_16 = true; } } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_21 = 0; G_i_52 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_21 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_21 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_21 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_52 = 0; G_d_21 = I_d_44; G_i_106 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_53 = G_i_106; if (G_i_106 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_53, 0, 1)) { G_d_20 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_8 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_9 = G_i_52; if (G_l_9 < G_l_8) { G_i_52 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_21 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_21 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_21 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_53 = G_i_53 - 1; } while (G_i_53 >= 0); } } G_i_105 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_105 == 134) { G_d_20 = -2; } else { G_d_20 = G_d_21; } I_d_69 = G_d_20; } if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { S_s_16 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_16 = S_s_16 + I_s_2; S_s_16 = S_s_16 + "-"; S_s_17 = (string)I_i_90; S_s_16 = S_s_16 + S_s_17; I_i_92 = f0_15(0, I_d_69, I_d_75, (int)I_d_34, I_d_75, 0, 0, S_s_16, I_i_71, 0, 65280); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print(I_d_69, "Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_22 = 0; G_i_54 = 0; G_i_55 = 0; G_i_105 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_56 = G_i_105; if (G_i_105 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_56, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_i_54 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_54 > G_i_55) { G_d_22 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_55 = G_i_54; } } G_i_56 = G_i_56 - 1; } while (G_i_56 >= 0); } I_d_64 = G_d_22; I_b_16 = true; } } } } } if (I_i_92 > 0) { G_l_5 = TimeCurrent(); G_d_77 = ((I_d_76 * 60) * 60); I_i_80 = (int)(G_l_5 + G_d_77); } I_b_22 = false; } } else { if (I_b_22 && I_i_88 < 1) { G_b_1 = true; if (TradeOnThursday == false && DayOfWeek() == 4) { G_b_1 = false; } if (TradeOnThursday && DayOfWeek() == 4 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) > Thursday_Hour) { G_b_1 = false; } if (TradeOnFriday == false && DayOfWeek() == 5) { G_b_1 = false; } if (TradeOnFriday && DayOfWeek() == 5 && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) > Friday_Hour) { G_b_1 = false; } if (Open_Hour == 24) { Open_Hour = 0; } if (Close_Hour == 24) { Close_Hour = 0; } if (Open_Hour < Close_Hour) { if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < Open_Hour || TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= Close_Hour) { G_b_1 = false; } } if (Open_Hour > Close_Hour && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) < Open_Hour && TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) >= Close_Hour) { G_b_1 = false; } G_i_110 = G_b_1; if (G_i_110 == 1) { L_d_2 = iClose(_Symbol, 0, 2); returned_double = iClose(_Symbol, 0, 1); L_d_3 = returned_double; I_d_74 = Bid; I_d_75 = Ask; if (I_b_19 == false && I_b_18 == false && L_s_1 == "true") { I_i_90 = I_i_88; if ((L_d_2 > returned_double)) { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_24 = 0; G_i_57 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_24 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_24 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_24 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_57 = 0; G_d_24 = I_d_44; G_i_112 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_58 = G_i_112; if (G_i_112 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_58, 0, 1)) { G_d_23 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_10 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_11 = G_i_57; if (G_l_11 < G_l_10) { G_i_57 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_24 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_24 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_24 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_58 = G_i_58 - 1; } while (G_i_58 >= 0); } } G_i_111 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_111 == 134) { G_d_23 = -2; } else { G_d_23 = G_d_24; } I_d_69 = G_d_23; } if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { S_s_17 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_17 = S_s_17 + I_s_2; S_s_17 = S_s_17 + "-"; S_s_18 = (string)I_i_90; S_s_17 = S_s_17 + S_s_18; I_i_92 = f0_15(1, I_d_69, I_d_74, (int)I_d_34, I_d_74, 0, 0, S_s_17, I_i_71, 0, 11823615); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print(I_d_69, "Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_25 = 0; G_i_59 = 0; G_i_60 = 0; G_i_111 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_61 = G_i_111; if (G_i_111 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_61, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_59 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_59 > G_i_60) { G_d_25 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_60 = G_i_59; } } G_i_61 = G_i_61 - 1; } while (G_i_61 >= 0); } I_d_63 = G_d_25; I_b_16 = true; } } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_27 = 0; G_i_62 = 0; I_i_1 = I_i_98; if (I_i_1 == 0) { G_d_27 = I_d_44; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { returned_double = MathPow(I_d_45, I_i_90); G_d_27 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_44 * returned_double), (int)I_d_67); } else { if (I_i_76 == -2) { G_d_27 = NormalizeDouble(I_d_44, (int)I_d_67); } } } if (I_i_1 == 2) { G_i_62 = 0; G_d_27 = I_d_44; G_i_115 = HistoryTotal() - 1; G_i_63 = G_i_115; if (G_i_115 >= 0) { do { if (!OrderSelect(G_i_63, 0, 1)) { G_d_26 = -3; break; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { G_l_12 = OrderCloseTime(); G_l_13 = G_i_62; if (G_l_13 < G_l_12) { G_i_62 = (int)OrderCloseTime(); if ((OrderProfit() < 0)) { if (I_i_77 == 1) { G_d_27 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() * I_d_45), (int)I_d_67); } else { G_d_27 = NormalizeDouble((OrderLots() + Lot), (int)I_d_67); } } else { G_d_27 = I_d_44; } } } G_i_63 = G_i_63 - 1; } while (G_i_63 >= 0); } } G_i_100 = GetLastError(); if (G_i_100 == 134) { G_d_26 = -2; } else { G_d_26 = G_d_27; } I_d_69 = G_d_26; } if ((I_d_69 > 0)) { S_s_18 = _Symbol + "-"; S_s_18 = S_s_18 + I_s_2; S_s_18 = S_s_18 + "-"; S_s_19 = (string)I_i_90; S_s_18 = S_s_18 + S_s_19; I_i_92 = f0_15(0, I_d_69, I_d_75, (int)I_d_34, I_d_75, 0, 0, S_s_18, I_i_71, 0, 65280); if (I_i_92 < 0) { Print(I_d_69, "Error: ", GetLastError()); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } G_d_28 = 0; G_i_64 = 0; G_i_65 = 0; G_i_100 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_66 = G_i_100; if (G_i_100 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_66, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_i_64 = OrderTicket(); if (G_i_64 > G_i_65) { G_d_28 = OrderOpenPrice(); G_i_65 = G_i_64; } } G_i_66 = G_i_66 - 1; } while (G_i_66 >= 0); } I_d_64 = G_d_28; I_b_16 = true; } } } } } } G_i_67 = 0; G_i_100 = OrdersTotal() - 1; G_i_68 = G_i_100; if (G_i_100 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(G_i_68, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_i_67 = G_i_67 + 1; } } G_i_68 = G_i_68 - 1; } while (G_i_68 >= 0); } I_i_88 = G_i_67; I_d_48 = 0; L_d_12 = 0; I_i_84 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (I_i_84 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(I_i_84, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_d_78 = OrderOpenPrice(); I_d_48 = ((G_d_78 * OrderLots()) + I_d_48); L_d_12 = (L_d_12 + OrderLots()); } } I_i_84 = I_i_84 - 1; } while (I_i_84 >= 0); } if (I_i_88 > 0) { I_d_48 = NormalizeDouble((I_d_48 / L_d_12), _Digits); } if (I_b_16) { I_i_84 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (I_i_84 >= 0) { do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(I_i_84, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) { I_d_80 = ((I_d_46 * _Point) + I_d_48); I_d_81 = I_d_80; G_d_78 = (I_d_82 * _Point); I_d_83 = (I_d_48 - G_d_78); I_b_17 = true; } if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71 && OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_d_78 = (I_d_46 * _Point); I_d_80 = (I_d_48 - G_d_78); I_d_84 = I_d_80; I_d_83 = ((I_d_82 * _Point) + I_d_48); I_b_17 = true; } } I_i_84 = I_i_84 - 1; } while (I_i_84 >= 0); } } if (I_b_16 == false) return 0; G_i_100 = I_b_17; if (G_i_100 != 1) return 0; I_i_84 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (I_i_84 < 0) return 0; do { I_b_7 = OrderSelect(I_i_84, 0, 0); if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { I_b_7 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), I_d_48, OrderStopLoss(), I_d_80, 0, 65535); } I_b_16 = false; } I_i_84 = I_i_84 - 1; } while (I_i_84 >= 0); L_i_15 = 0; return L_i_15; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { int L_i_15; L_i_15 = 0; Comment("************"); L_i_15 = 0; return 0; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int f0_1(bool FuncArg_Boolean_00000000, bool FuncArg_Boolean_00000001) { string S_s_20; string S_s_21; string S_s_22; string S_s_23; int L_i_15; int L_i_11; int L_i_12; L_i_15 = 0; L_i_11 = 0; L_i_12 = 0; G_d_2 = 0; G_d_106 = 0; L_i_11 = 0; L_i_12 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (L_i_12 < 0) return L_i_11; do { if (OrderSelect(L_i_12, 0, 0) && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && FuncArg_Boolean_00000000) { RefreshRates(); if (!IsTradeContextBusy()) { if (!OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Bid, _Digits), 5, 4294967295)) { S_s_20 = (string)OrderTicket(); S_s_20 = "Error close BUY " + S_s_20; Print(S_s_20); L_i_11 = -1; } } else { G_l_22 = iTime(NULL, 0, 0); G_l_23 = I_i_131; if (G_l_23 == G_l_22) { L_i_15 = -2; return L_i_15; } I_i_131 = (int)iTime(NULL, 0, 0); S_s_21 = (string)OrderTicket(); S_s_21 = "Need close BUY " + S_s_21; S_s_21 = S_s_21 + ". Trade Context Busy"; Print(S_s_21); L_i_15 = -2; return L_i_15; } } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && FuncArg_Boolean_00000001) { RefreshRates(); if (!IsTradeContextBusy()) { if (!OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Ask, _Digits), 5, 4294967295)) { S_s_22 = (string)OrderTicket(); S_s_22 = "Error close SELL " + S_s_22; Print(S_s_22); L_i_11 = -1; } } else { G_l_20 = iTime(NULL, 0, 0); G_l_21 = I_i_132; if (G_l_21 == G_l_20) { L_i_15 = -2; return L_i_15; } I_i_132 = (int)iTime(NULL, 0, 0); S_s_23 = (string)OrderTicket(); S_s_23 = "Need close SELL " + S_s_23; S_s_23 = S_s_23 + ". Trade Context Busy"; Print(S_s_23); L_i_15 = -2; return L_i_15; } } } L_i_12 = L_i_12 - 1; } while (L_i_12 >= 0); L_i_15 = L_i_11; return L_i_15; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int f0_15(int Fa_i_00, double Fa_d_01, double Fa_d_02, int Fa_i_03, double Fa_d_04, double Fa_d_05, int Fa_i_06, string Fa_s_07, int Fa_i_08, int Fa_i_09, int Fa_i_0A) { int L_i_15; int L_i_11; int L_i_12; int L_i_13; int L_i_14; L_i_15 = 0; L_i_11 = 0; L_i_12 = 0; L_i_13 = 0; L_i_14 = 0; G_d_2 = 0; G_d_106 = 0; G_i_3 = 0; G_d_3 = 0; G_d_108 = 0; G_i_5 = 0; G_d_109 = 0; G_d_110 = 0; G_i_8 = 0; G_d_111 = 0; G_d_112 = 0; G_i_11 = 0; G_d_113 = 0; G_d_114 = 0; G_i_14 = 0; G_d_115 = 0; G_d_4 = 0; G_i_16 = 0; G_d_116 = 0; G_d_117 = 0; G_i_19 = 0; G_d_118 = 0; G_d_5 = 0; G_i_21 = 0; G_d_119 = 0; G_d_120 = 0; G_i_139 = 0; G_d_121 = 0; G_d_122 = 0; G_i_26 = 0; G_d_7 = 0; G_d_123 = 0; G_i_28 = 0; G_d_124 = 0; G_d_8 = 0; G_i_30 = 0; L_i_11 = 0; L_i_12 = 0; L_i_13 = 0; L_i_14 = 100; I_i_1 = Fa_i_00; if (I_i_1 > 5) return L_i_11; if (I_i_1 == 2) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { G_i_31 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_5 = Fa_i_06; G_d_108 = Fa_d_02; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_3 = 0; } else { G_d_3 = ((G_i_5 * _Point) + G_d_108); } G_i_3 = (int)I_d_82; G_d_106 = Fa_d_04; if (G_i_3 == 0) { G_d_2 = 0; } else { G_d_10 = (G_i_3 * _Point); G_d_2 = (G_d_106 - G_d_10); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 2, Fa_d_01, Fa_d_02, Fa_i_03, G_d_2, G_d_3, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_31); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_146 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_146; if (G_i_146 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_48 = (G_i_146 == 4); if (G_b_48 != true) { G_b_48 = (G_i_146 == 137); } if (G_b_48 != true) { G_b_48 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_48 != true) { G_b_48 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_48 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(1000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); return L_i_11; } if (I_i_1 == 4) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { G_i_33 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_11 = Fa_i_06; G_d_112 = Fa_d_02; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_111 = 0; } else { G_d_111 = ((G_i_11 * _Point) + G_d_112); } G_i_8 = (int)I_d_82; G_d_110 = Fa_d_04; if (G_i_8 == 0) { G_d_109 = 0; } else { G_d_128 = (G_i_8 * _Point); G_d_109 = (G_d_110 - G_d_128); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 4, Fa_d_01, Fa_d_02, Fa_i_03, G_d_109, G_d_111, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_33); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_35 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_35; if (G_i_35 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_45 = (G_i_35 == 4); if (G_b_45 != true) { G_b_45 = (G_i_35 == 137); } if (G_b_45 != true) { G_b_45 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_45 != true) { G_b_45 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_45 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(5000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); return L_i_11; } if (I_i_1 == 0) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { RefreshRates(); G_i_36 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_16 = Fa_i_06; G_d_4 = Ask; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_115 = 0; } else { G_d_115 = ((G_i_16 * _Point) + G_d_4); } G_i_14 = (int)I_d_82; G_d_114 = Bid; if (G_i_14 == 0) { G_d_113 = 0; } else { G_d_13 = (G_i_14 * _Point); G_d_113 = (G_d_114 - G_d_13); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 0, Fa_d_01, Ask, Fa_i_03, G_d_113, G_d_115, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_36); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_143 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_143; if (G_i_143 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_46 = (G_i_143 == 4); if (G_b_46 != true) { G_b_46 = (G_i_143 == 137); } if (G_b_46 != true) { G_b_46 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_46 != true) { G_b_46 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_46 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(5000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); return L_i_11; } if (I_i_1 == 3) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { G_i_38 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_21 = Fa_i_06; G_d_5 = Fa_d_02; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_118 = 0; } else { G_d_127 = (G_i_21 * _Point); G_d_118 = (G_d_5 - G_d_127); } G_i_19 =(int) I_d_82; G_d_117 = Fa_d_04; if (G_i_19 == 0) { G_d_116 = 0; } else { G_d_116 = ((G_i_19 * _Point) + G_d_117); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 3, Fa_d_01, Fa_d_02, Fa_i_03, G_d_116, G_d_118, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_38); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_40 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_40; if (G_i_40 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_47 = (G_i_40 == 4); if (G_b_47 != true) { G_b_47 = (G_i_40 == 137); } if (G_b_47 != true) { G_b_47 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_47 != true) { G_b_47 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_47 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(5000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); return L_i_11; } if (I_i_1 == 5) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { G_i_41 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_26 = Fa_i_06; G_d_122 = Fa_d_02; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_121 = 0; } else { G_d_126 = (G_i_26 * _Point); G_d_121 = (G_d_122 - G_d_126); } G_i_139 = (int)I_d_82; G_d_120 = Fa_d_04; if (G_i_139 == 0) { G_d_119 = 0; } else { G_d_119 = ((G_i_139 * _Point) + G_d_120); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 5, Fa_d_01, Fa_d_02, Fa_i_03, G_d_119, G_d_121, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_41); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_43 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_43; if (G_i_43 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_44 = (G_i_43 == 4); if (G_b_44 != true) { G_b_44 = (G_i_43 == 137); } if (G_b_44 != true) { G_b_44 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_44 != true) { G_b_44 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_44 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(5000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); return L_i_11; } if (I_i_1 == 1) { L_i_13 = 0; if (L_i_14 <= 0) return L_i_11; do { G_i_44 = Fa_i_0A; G_i_30 = Fa_i_06; G_d_8 = Bid; if (Fa_i_06 == 0) { G_d_124 = 0; } else { G_d_125 = (G_i_30 * _Point); G_d_124 = (G_d_8 - G_d_125); } G_i_28 = (int)I_d_82; G_d_123 = Ask; if (G_i_28 == 0) { G_d_7 = 0; } else { G_d_7 = ((G_i_28 * _Point) + G_d_123); } L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, 1, Fa_d_01, Bid, Fa_i_03, G_d_7, G_d_124, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_44); if (L_i_11 > 0) { I_i_76 = I_i_76 + 1; } G_i_46 = GetLastError(); L_i_12 = G_i_46; if (G_i_46 == 0) return L_i_11; G_b_0 = (G_i_46 == 4); if (G_b_0 != true) { G_b_0 = (G_i_46 == 137); } if (G_b_0 != true) { G_b_0 = (L_i_12 == 146); } if (G_b_0 != true) { G_b_0 = (L_i_12 == 136); } if (G_b_0 == false) return L_i_11; Sleep(5000); L_i_13 = L_i_13 + 1; } while (L_i_13 < L_i_14); } L_i_15 = L_i_11; return L_i_11; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void f0_18(int Fa_i_00, int Fa_i_01, double Fa_d_02) { int L_i_15; double L_d_13; double L_d_14; int L_i_16; L_i_15 = 0; L_d_13 = 0; L_d_14 = 0; L_i_16 = 0; L_i_15 = 0; L_d_13 = 0; L_d_14 = 0; if (Fa_i_01 == 0) return; L_i_16 = OrdersTotal() - 1; if (L_i_16 < 0) return; do { if (OrderSelect(L_i_16, 0, 0) && OrderSymbol() == _Symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderSymbol() == _Symbol || OrderMagicNumber() == I_i_71) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { G_d_2 = (Bid - Fa_d_02); L_i_15 = (int)NormalizeDouble((G_d_2 / _Point), 0); if (L_i_15 < Fa_i_00) continue; returned_double = OrderStopLoss(); L_d_13 = returned_double; G_d_2 = (Fa_i_01 * _Point); L_d_14 = (Bid - G_d_2); if (returned_double == 0 || (returned_double != 0 && L_d_14 > returned_double)) { I_b_7 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), Fa_d_02, L_d_14, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, 16776960); } } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { G_d_106 = (Fa_d_02 - Ask); L_i_15 = (int)NormalizeDouble((G_d_106 / _Point), 0); if (L_i_15 < Fa_i_00) continue; returned_double = OrderStopLoss(); L_d_13 = returned_double; L_d_14 = ((Fa_i_01 * _Point) + Ask); if (returned_double == 0 || (returned_double != 0 && L_d_14 < returned_double)) { I_b_7 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), Fa_d_02, L_d_14, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, 255); } } } Sleep(1000); } L_i_16 = L_i_16 - 1; } while (L_i_16 >= 0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ voglio aggiungere uno stoploss a tutti gli ordini. la funzione dello stop loss è gia presente, ma non è implementata negli OrderSend, giusto? Dimmi come fare

answer:Per aggiungere lo stop loss a un ordine nel MetaTrader 4 quando chiamiamo la funzione `OrderSend`, dobbiamo passare il prezzo al quale vogliamo che lo stop loss venga impostato. Ecco un esempio di come modificare una chiamata `OrderSend` per includere uno stop loss. Questo è in riferimento alla tua funzione `f0_15` per esempio l'ordine BUY: ```mql4 double stopLossPrice; double takeProfitPrice; if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { // Definisci lo stop loss ad un certo numero di pips sotto il prezzo di apertura stopLossPrice = Ask - StopLossInPips * _Point; takeProfitPrice = 0; // se non hai un take profit, puoi impostarlo a 0 o a un valore appropriato L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, OP_BUY, Fa_d_01, Ask, Fa_i_03, stopLossPrice, takeProfitPrice, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_36); // ... Resto del codice ... } ``` In questo modo stai impostando lo stop loss a `StopLossInPips` pips sotto il prezzo Ask corrente, assumendo un ordine di tipo BUY. La variabile `StopLossInPips` ovviamente dovrebbe essere definita da te con il numero di pips che desideri per lo stop loss. Fai lo stesso per gli ordini SELL, ma al contrario (il prezzo dello stop loss va impostato `StopLossInPips` pips sopra il prezzo Bid corrente). Ricordati di verificare se lo stop loss è permesso (alcuni broker richiedono uno stop loss al di fuori di una specifica distanza dal prezzo corrente) e se il numero di pips rappresenta un valore valido (es.: non al di sotto dello stop level minimo consentito dal broker). Ecco un esempio per l'ordine SELL: ```mql4 if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { // Definisci lo stop loss ad un certo numero di pips sopra il prezzo di apertura stopLossPrice = Bid + StopLossInPips * _Point; takeProfitPrice = 0; // se non hai un take profit, puoi impostarlo a 0 o a un valore appropriato L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, OP_SELL, Fa_d_01, Bid, Fa_i_03, stopLossPrice, takeProfitPrice, Fa_s_07, Fa_i_08, Fa_i_09, G_i_38); // ... Resto del codice ... } ``` Assicurati di calcolare lo `stopLossPrice` e `takeProfitPrice` correttamente in base al tipo di ordine e aggiungi questi valori nel `OrderSend()`. Ricorda, inoltre, di verificare la correttezza di tutti i valori e di gestire eventuali errori restituiti dalla funzione `OrderSend`.

question:la funzione degli ordini non è strutturata così, ma ha diversi ordersend. cerca di rileggere il codice e proporre modifiche sensate

answer:Mi scuso per la confusione. Vediamo come possiamo integrare uno stop loss nei vari ordini all'interno della funzione `f0_15` presente nel tuo codice. La funzione `f0_15` prende vari argomenti, compresi i prezzi di Take Profit e Stop Loss, ma sembra non utilizzarli effettivamente all'interno della funzione di `OrderSend`. Dovresti passare i prezzi di stop loss e take profit come parametri nella funzione di `OrderSend`. Ecco come modificare un `OrderSend` per includere uno stop loss. Questo codice andrà all'interno della funzione `f0_15` dove hai le chiamate a `OrderSend`: ```mql4 double stopLossPrice; double takeProfitPrice; // Per ogni tipo di ordine BUY or SELL, assegna il corrispondente prezzo di stop loss if (Fa_i_00 == OP_BUY) { // Per un ordine BUY, lo stop loss dovrebbe essere sotto il prezzo di ingresso stopLossPrice = NormalizeDouble(Fa_d_04 - StopLossInPips * _Point, _Digits); // Se hai una logica per il take profit, assegna anche quello takeProfitPrice = NormalizeDouble(Fa_d_04 + TakeProfitInPips * _Point, _Digits); } else if (Fa_i_00 == OP_SELL) { // Per un ordine SELL, lo stop loss dovrebbe essere sopra il prezzo di ingresso stopLossPrice = NormalizeDouble(Fa_d_04 + StopLossInPips * _Point, _Digits); // Se hai una logica per il take profit, assegna anche quello takeProfitPrice = NormalizeDouble(Fa_d_04 - TakeProfitInPips * _Point, _Digits); } ``` Adesso, modifica ogni chiamata di `OrderSend` nella funzione `f0_15` per passare questi valori di `stopLossPrice` e `takeProfitPrice`. Per esempio, per un ordine BUY: ```mql4 L_i_11 = OrderSend(Fa_s_Symbol, Fa_i_00 /*OP_BUY*/, Fa_d_01 /*Lotti*/, Fa_d_02 /*Prezzo*/, Fa_i_03 /*Slippage*/, stopLossPrice, takeProfitPrice, Fa_s_07 /*Commento*/, Fa_i_08 /*Magic Number*/, Fa_i_09 /*Expiry*/, Fa_i_0A /*Color*/); ``` Dal codice che hai fornito non è chiaro dove vengano effettuate le chiamate alla funzione `f0_15`, quindi dovrai passare i nuovi valori per gli stop loss a quella funzione, includendo la logica per calcolare questi valori in base alle condizioni del mercato attuali. Ricordati che il prezzo per lo stop loss dovrebbe essere normalizzato al numero di decimali corretto per la coppia di valute che stai scambiando, questo è il motivo per cui `NormalizeDouble` è usato nel calcolo di `stopLossPrice`.

question:in che senso Dal codice che hai fornito non è chiaro dove vengano effettuate le chiamate alla funzione f0_15, quindi dovrai passare i nuovi valori per gli stop loss a quella funzione, includendo la logica per calcolare questi valori in base alle condizioni del mercato attuali.?

answer:Mi scuso per l'equivoco. Nel codice originale, la funzione `f0_15` è effettivamente chiamata, ma non ho notato che Hai già parametri per lo stop loss e il take profit in questa funzione. La tua funzione `f0_15` viene utilizzata per inviare ordini di diversi tipi (BUY, SELL, ecc.). Per aggiungere uno stop loss agli ordini, tutto ciò che devi fare è assicurarti che la funzione `OrderSend` all'interno di `f0_15` utilizzi i parametri `Fa_d_04` (presumibilmente per lo Stop Loss) e `Fa_d_05` (presumibilmente per il Take Profit) correttamente. Ecco un esempio su come dovresti modificare le chiamate `OrderSend`: ```mql4 L_i_11 = OrderSend(_Symbol, Fa_i_00 /*Tipo di ordine*/, Fa_d_01 /*Lotti*/, Fa_d_02 /*Prezzo*/, Fa_i_03 /*Slippage*/, Fa_d_04 /*Stop Loss*/, Fa_d_05 /*Take Profit*/, Fa_s_07 /*Commento*/, Fa_i_08 /*Magic Number*/, Fa_i_09 /*Expiry*/, Fa_i_0A /*Colore*/); ``` Nel tuo codice, però, sembra che `Fa_d_04` e `Fa_d_05` siano spesso impostati a 0. Per mettere uno stop loss reale, dovrai calcolare il corretto prezzo di stop loss prima di chiamare questa funzione e passare quel valore come parametro `Fa_d_04`. Nell'ambito del tuo codice principale `start()`, dove chiami `f0_15`, devi assicurarti di calcolare e passare questi valori correttamente. Questo calcolo dipenderà dalla tua strategia di trading: ad esempio, potresti impostare uno stop loss fissato a 20 pips al di sotto del prezzo di entrata per un ordine BUY, e 20 pips al di sopra per un ordine SELL. Quindi, prima di chiamare `f0_15`, dovresti aggiungere una logica simile a questa: ```mql4 double stopLoss = 0; double takeProfit = 0; if (orderType == OP_BUY) { stopLoss = Ask - StopLossInPips * _Point; // Assume Ask sia il prezzo corrente di acquisto takeProfit = Ask + TakeProfitInPips * _Point; // Solo se vuoi anche un take profit } else if (orderType == OP_SELL) { stopLoss = Bid + StopLossInPips * _Point; // Assume Bid sia il prezzo corrente di vendita takeProfit = Bid - TakeProfitInPips * _Point; // Solo se vuoi anche un take profit } // Poi passa questi valori alla funzione f0_15 f0_15(orderType, lotSize, entryPrice, slippage, stopLoss, takeProfit, ...altri parametri...); ``` In questo modo stai assicurando che ogni ordine che invii abbia uno stop loss (e eventualmente un take profit) associato. Ricorda che la variabile `StopLossInPips` deve essere definita da te come la distanza in pips che vuoi per lo stop loss dalla tua entrata.

question:i have this dataset: AGE GENDER NUM_PLTF DAYS SERIES FAV_PLTF 50 Female 3 30 Yes Amazon_Prime 45 Male 3 15 No HBO_Max 21 Female 3 4 No HBO_Max 17 Female 3 16 Yes Netflix 54 Female 1 7 Yes Netflix 50 Female 1 17 No Netflix 59 Female 3 30 Yes Netflix 27 Male 2 20 No Others 19 Female 2 22 No Netflix 33 Female 4 15 Yes Others 33 Female 2 10 Yes Netflix 49 Male 1 20 Yes Netflix 56 Female 1 1 No Amazon_Prime 52 Female 1 20 No Others 68 Female 1 13 No Amazon_Prime 19 Male 5 19 Yes Others 56 Female 3 14 Yes Netflix 62 Male 1 19 Yes Others 26 Female 1 2 No Others 34 Female 2 25 Yes HBO_Max 62 Male 1 25 No Others 39 Male 3 21 Yes Others 30 Male 3 24 Yes HBO_Max 52 Male 1 20 Yes Netflix 54 Male 2 20 Yes Amazon_Prime 21 Female 1 18 Yes Netflix 16 Male 1 20 Yes Netflix 19 Female 1 3 Yes Netflix 43 Male 1 2 No Others 62 Male 4 25 Yes HBO_Max 47 Male 2 15 No Amazon_Prime 50 Female 2 30 Yes HBO_Max 49 Female 1 3 No Netflix 53 Female 1 28 Yes Netflix 25 Female 3 20 Yes HBO_Max 19 Male 2 29 No Others 19 Male 2 20 No Amazon_Prime 37 Female 2 8 No Netflix 27 Male 1 20 No Netflix 16 Male 2 3 Yes Netflix 53 Male 3 3 Yes Amazon_Prime 75 Female 2 10 No Netflix 52 Male 2 3 Yes Netflix 58 Male 3 6 Yes Netflix 37 Male 1 25 Yes Amazon_Prime 26 Female 1 12 No Others 19 Male 2 20 Yes HBO_Max 18 Male 1 1 No Amazon_Prime 62 Female 4 17 No HBO_Max 48 Female 2 5 Yes Netflix 19 Female 2 19 No Netflix 42 Male 1 2 No HBO_Max 45 Male 2 10 Yes Others 64 Female 2 7 No Others 54 Female 1 12 No HBO_Max 49 Female 3 20 No Amazon_Prime 19 Male 3 10 Yes Amazon_Prime 34 Male 1 6 No Netflix 40 Male 3 30 Yes Netflix 61 Female 2 15 Yes Netflix 42 Female 2 20 No HBO_Max 67 Female 1 24 No Netflix 40 Male 5 30 Yes Others 36 Male 2 10 Yes Amazon_Prime 47 Female 3 4 Yes HBO_Max 51 Male 4 20 Yes Amazon_Prime 30 Male 2 12 Yes Amazon_Prime 20 Female 3 20 Yes Netflix 55 Female 3 24 Yes Netflix 61 Male 2 15 Yes Others 26 Female 5 23 Yes Netflix 49 Female 1 5 No Netflix 35 Male 5 15 No Others 27 Male 2 8 No Others 67 Female 2 30 Yes HBO_Max 26 Male 3 24 Yes Others 26 Female 4 25 Yes HBO_Max 30 Male 3 10 Yes HBO_Max 30 Female 1 7 No Others 21 Female 4 25 Yes Amazon_Prime 43 Female 1 8 No Others 52 Male 1 10 Yes Netflix 31 Male 5 13 No HBO_Max 45 Female 3 30 Yes Netflix 47 Female 2 15 Yes HBO_Max 26 Male 2 4 Yes Amazon_Prime 38 Female 4 11 No Netflix 34 Male 2 11 No Others 19 Male 3 15 No Netflix 32 Male 2 20 No HBO_Max 24 Female 2 12 No Netflix 58 Male 1 7 Yes HBO_Max 41 Female 2 28 Yes HBO_Max 52 Female 5 10 No Netflix 51 Female 2 8 No HBO_Max 42 Male 1 11 No Netflix 43 Female 1 3 No Netflix 31 Female 2 1 No Others 51 Male 4 8 No HBO_Max 40 Male 2 12 No Amazon_Prime 54 Female 1 25 Yes Netflix 24 Male 2 25 No Amazon_Prime 35 Female 1 12 No Others 45 Male 2 10 Yes Netflix 55 Male 2 8 Yes HBO_Max 65 Male 3 30 Yes Others 20 Female 4 23 No Netflix 60 Male 2 30 Yes HBO_Max 40 Male 1 10 Yes HBO_Max 22 Female 2 10 Yes Netflix 74 Female 1 25 Yes Netflix 50 Female 4 12 No Amazon_Prime 57 Male 6 22 Yes Others 21 Female 6 30 Yes Netflix 17 Male 3 30 Yes Others 52 Female 2 24 Yes Amazon_Prime 57 Male 1 7 Yes Netflix 32 Female 2 30 No Netflix 30 Female 1 8 No Netflix 24 Female 3 17 No Netflix. Can you solve me this problems with stata? 1. Can we claim a relationship between the number of VOD platforms the consumer have and their favourite platform? Take an 85% confidence level. 2. Explore the possible relationship between the age of consumers and number of days per month they watch VOD content. Answer at 8% significance. 3. Estimate the monthly average number of days that the users watch content from VOD platforms at a confidence level of 97%. 4. Can we claim that, in average, the number of VOD platforms of a consumer is over 2? Use a 1% significance. 5. Test the following statement: "The gender is a factor that determines the preference for a specific VOD platform". Answer at 93% confidence. 6. At 98% confidence, could we say that the proportion of women is lower among the users that choose Netflix than among the rest of them? 7. Can you claim that the number of platforms of consumers that prefer content in series format differs from the number of platforms of the ones that don’t? Use an 88% of confidence. 8. Give an estimation at 96% confidence of the proportion of the users of VOD platforms that don’t prefer series format in the content they consume 9. Can we affirm at 95% confidence that the proportion of the consumers that prefer series format content is greater than the proportion of the ones that don't? 10. Could we say that the number of platforms that users that don’t prefer series format is, in average, below 2.5? Use a 90% of confidence level.

answer:To solve these problems with Stata, you would typically load your dataset into Stata and then use a series of commands to perform the appropriate statistical analyses. Below I'll outline the steps you would perform for each of the questions. Note that this assumes that your dataset is already loaded into Stata correctly, and the variables are named as they appear in your dataset. **1. Relationship between the number of VOD platforms and favorite platform:** You can use a Chi-square test to see if there is an association between these two categorical variables. ```stata tabulate NUM_PLTF FAV_PLTF, chi2 ``` **2. Relationship between the age of consumers and number of days per month they watch VOD content:** You can use a correlation analysis to explore the relationship between these two continuous variables. ```stata correlate AGE DAYS test rho = 0 ``` **3. Estimate the monthly average number of days that the users watch content:** For the mean estimate, you can use the `mean` command with a confidence interval. ```stata ci DAYS, level(97) ``` **4. Claim that the average number of VOD platforms is over 2:** You would use a one-sample t-test to test this hypothesis. ```stata ttest NUM_PLTF, mu(2) ``` **5. Gender as a factor for VOD platform preference:** You can perform a Chi-square test to examine the association between gender and VOD platform preference. ```stata tabulate GENDER FAV_PLTF, chi2 ``` Make sure to adjust your confidence level accordingly. If Stata does not directly provide confidence intervals for chi-square tests, you may have to resort to another statistical method or software that provides more flexible output. **6. Proportion of women choosing Netflix:** For this analysis, you could use a proportions test comparing the two groups (those who prefer Netflix and those who do not). ```stata tabulate GENDER FAV_PLTF, chi2 prtest FAV_PLTF=Netflix if GENDER=="Female" ``` **7. Number of platforms for consumers who prefer content in series format:** You might use an independent samples t-test to compare the means of the two groups. ```stata ttest NUM_PLTF, by(SERIES) unequal var ``` **8. Estimation of users not preferring series format:** Calculate the proportion and its confidence interval. ```stata proportion SERIES, level(96) if SERIES=="No" ``` **9. Proportion preferring series format content is greater:** You can work this out by constructing a confidence interval for the proportion of users who prefer series and examine if the interval is above that of those who don't. ```stata prtesti n1 x1 n2 x2, level(95) ``` Where `n1` and `x1` are the sample size and count of those who prefer series, and `n2` and `x2` are those who don't prefer series. **10. Average number of platforms for users not preferring series format:** Finally, to test the average number of platforms, a one-sample t-test could be performed: ```stata ttest NUM_PLTF, mu(2.5) if SERIES=="No" ``` Please remember these are broad instructions and you'll need to adapt them to your dataset's specifics and Stata's syntax. You might need to ensure that categorical variables are appropriately encoded, and you might need to generate variables to capture specific subsets of your data if necessary.

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