question:But you didn't change any thing
answer:Apologies for the confusion. I apologize for the oversight. Upon reviewing the code again, the issue with the sell signal generation lies in the calculation of `sell_qty` and `buy_qty`. To rectify the issue, let's update the code to correctly calculate the sell and buy quantities. Here's the updated version: ```python def signal_generator(df): if df is None or len(df) < 2: return '' signals = [] # Retrieve depth data try: depth_data = client.depth(symbol=symbol) bid_depth = depth_data['bids'] ask_depth = depth_data['asks'] except: print("data ERROR") buy_price = float(bid_depth[0][0]) if bid_depth else 0.0 sell_price = float(ask_depth[0][0]) if ask_depth else 0.0 buy_qty = sum(float(bid[0]) * float(bid[1]) for bid in bid_depth) sell_qty = sum(float(ask[0]) * float(ask[1]) for ask in ask_depth) if buy_qty > sell_qty: signals.append('bullish') elif sell_qty > buy_qty: signals.append('bearish') try: mark_price_data = client.ticker_price(symbol=symbol) mark_price = float(mark_price_data['price']) if 'price' in mark_price_data else 0.0 except: print("data ERROR") if 'bullish' in signals and buy_price < mark_price: return 'buy' elif 'bearish' in signals and sell_price > mark_price: return 'sell' else: return '' ``` In this updated code, the `buy_qty` is calculated as the sum of each bid's price (`bid[0]`) multiplied by its quantity (`bid[1]`). Similarly, the `sell_qty` is calculated as the sum of each ask's price (`ask[0]`) multiplied by its quantity (`ask[1]`). With these corrections, the code now calculates the quantities correctly, allowing for proper generation of both buy and sell signals based on the provided strategy.
answer:1. 桌子、椅子、灯、电视、沙发、书架、地毯、窗帘、画、花瓶、手机、电脑、相机、照片、钢笔、纸张、文件夹、书包、铅笔盒、垃圾桶 2. 篮球、足球、乒乓球、网球、高尔夫球、冰球、台球、排球、棒球、羽毛球、保龄球、壁球、橄榄球、水球、马球、橇球、焦点球、弹弓、飞盘、击剑 3. 鞋子、裤子、衬衫、袜子、外套、帽子、手套、围巾、皮带、领带、口罩、手表、项链、戒指、墨镜、背包、手包、钱包、手机壳、腰包 4. 芒果、苹果、香蕉、橙子、西瓜、草莓、葡萄、杨桃、柚子、菠萝、梨子、桃子、西红柿、火龙果、柠檬、橘子、哈密瓜、蓝莓、蜜瓜、荔枝 5. 犬、猫、鸟、兔、鱼、龙、虎、狮、象、猴、蛇、鳄鱼、海豚、鲨鱼、乌龟、猩猩、考拉、袋鼠、斑马、长颈鹿 6. 医生、护士、老师、学生、工程师、司机、厨师、服务员、设计师、记者、演员、画家、音乐家、作家、运动员、律师、警察、消防员、军人、导游 7. 树、花、草、灌木、枝、叶、果、根、树皮、树枝、果实、花瓣、蔬菜、土壤、水、太阳、空气、氧气、植物、昆虫 8. 钢琴、小提琴、吉他、鼓、长笛、萨克斯ophone、小号、大提琴、单簧管、三角铁、电吉他、口琴、手风琴、鼓棒、钢片琴、风笛、合成器、电子琴、均衡器 9. 眼镜、牙刷、牙膏、洗面奶、洗发水、沐浴乳、毛巾、浴巾、浴帽、香皂、护发素、身体乳液、护肤霜、卫生纸、剃须刀、牙线、洗手液、面膜、指甲刀、剪刀 10. 车、摩托车、自行车、飞机、火车、轮船、直升机、地铁、巴士、出租车、自驾车、卡车、观光车、拖拉机、战车、救护车、消防车、警车、敞篷车、豪华轿车
answer:1. 桌子、苹果、医生、鞋子、犬、钢琴、眼镜、车、花、篮球、椅子、香蕉、护士、裤子、猫、小提琴、牙刷、摩托车、草、足球 2. 乒乓球、帽子、鸟、洗面奶、吉他、香蕉、学生、牙膏、自行车、兔、鼓、窗帘、地铁、粉底液、电视、纸巾、飞机、樱桃、水球、岩画 3. 高尔夫球、纸张、工程师、沐浴乳、长笛、橘子、服务员、洗发水、火车、鱼、蒸锅、地毯、浴巾、相机、文件夹、电脑、钢笔、巴士、浴帽、玉米 4. 台球、文件夹、厨师、肥皂、萨克斯ophone、橙子、设计师、毛巾、轮船、龙、口琴、书架、护肤霜、钢片琴、手机、手风琴、出租车、空气、指甲油、大象 5. 排球、书包、记者、面膜、小号、西瓜、演员、纸巾、自驾车、蛇、鼓棒、窗户、身体乳液、合成器、电吉他、警车、氧气、指甲刀、蜜蜂、篱笆 6. 棒球、铅笔盒、画家、护肤品、单簧管、草莓、音乐家、面纸、卡车、狮、风笛、相框、护手霜、电子琴、拖拉机、救护车、气球、面霜、蚂蚁、草坪 7. 羽毛球、垃圾桶、作家、洗手液、大提琴、柚子、律师、化妆品、观光车、猴、指甲油、床头柜、护发素、均衡器、钢丝琴、消防车、火焰、指甲剪、蝴蝶、栅栏 8. 冰球、墨镜、运动员、面膜、三角铁、柠檬、运动鞋、剃须刀、豪华轿车、蜥蜴、电鼓、沙发、沐浴油、均衡杠、摩托艇、警察车、大自然、指甲锉、蜂蜜、燕麦 9. 高尔夫球、手表、警察、沐浴露、合成器、话梅、演讲者、洗手液、汽车、蝴蝶、音响、桌布、护手霜、电吉他、急救箱、消防车、冰雪、指甲锉、昆虫、牛奶 10. 网球、腰包、导游、脸部霜、长笛、汽车、剪刀、牙签、直升机、虎、三角铁、方向盘、润唇膏、合成器、拖拉机、救护车、山脉、指甲锉、北极熊、小麦
question:[there would be dialogue in this story:] (Natsuki wakes up in her room - ready for another day at the literature club. When she gets up, she feels the little kicks of her unborn daughter - Sakura. Natsuki only had 2 more months until Sakura was born, so the kicks were a little painful. Ever since Natsuki had gotten pregnant, her dad had become nice towards her.)
answer:Natsuki: (rubbing her belly) Ouch, Sakura, that was a strong one. You're getting stronger every day, aren't you? (Dad walks into Natsuki's room, holding a tray with breakfast.) Dad: Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling today? Natsuki: Morning, Dad. I'm feeling okay, just a little sore from all these kicks. But it's a good kind of pain. I can't wait to meet Sakura. Dad: I'm glad to hear you're doing well. It's amazing how much our lives have changed since we found out about the pregnancy. I'm really excited to be a grandfather. Natsuki: (smiling) Yeah, it's been quite a journey. And I'm grateful for the support you've shown me, Dad. It's like you're a different person now, caring and kind. Dad: (sighs) I know I was terrible to you before, Natsuki. I was blinded by my own ignorance and insecurities. But now, seeing you going through this pregnancy, it's made me realize the importance of family and being there for each other. Natsuki: (teary-eyed) Dad... I never thought I'd hear you say those words. I'm really happy we have this chance to start over, to build a better relationship. Dad: Me too, Natsuki. You're my daughter, and I'll do everything I can to make sure Sakura has a happy and loving family. I want to be the best grandfather I can be. Natsuki: (sniffling) Thank you, Dad. That means the world to me. I believe our family can be truly happy now. (They share a heartwarming moment, both knowing that their bond has grown stronger throughout Natsuki's pregnancy. As they enjoy breakfast together, they discuss plans for the baby's nursery and eagerly anticipate Sakura's arrival.)