question:Topic from the passage: The relatively recent increased consumption of sugar has been linked to the rise of some afflictions such as diabetes, obesity, and more recently heart disease. Increased consumption of sugar has been tied to these three, among others. Obesity levels have more than doubled in the last 30 years among adults, going from 15% to 35% in the United States. Obesity and diet also happen to be high risk factors for diabetes. In the same time span that obesity doubled, diabetes numbers quadrupled in America. Increased weight, especially in the form of belly fat, and high sugar intake are also high risk factors for heart disease. Both sugar intake and fatty tissue increase the probability of elevated LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. Elevated amounts of Lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, is the primary factor in heart disease. In order to avoid all the dangers of sugar, moderate consumption is paramount.
answer:Topic: The negative impacts of increased consumption of sugar on health, including the rise of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, and the importance of moderate consumption.
question:Please answer correctly the following question related to the paragraph below. Which bakery didn't use a convection oven to bake angel food cakes? Two bakeries were famous in town for their angel food cakes. Tom's was a small bakery with various small ovens, took small orders and did some catering. Bill's bakery was large and produced angel food cake commercially, in vast quantities. Hint: In a bakery, angel food cakes could be baked in a rack oven, revolving oven, convention oven, or small deck oven. A commercial bakery may use a tunnel or traveling oven.[7] When the cake has finished baking, it should have a golden brown color on the exposed area.[5] The final volume will generally be two to three times larger than the batter volume.[6]
answer:It is not specified in the paragraph which bakery didn't use a convection oven to bake angel food cakes.
question:Given the following passage Electricity in the Richmond Metro area is provided by Dominion Virginia Power. The company, based in Richmond, is one of the nation's largest producers of energy, serving retail energy customers in nine states. Electricity is provided in the Richmond area primarily by the North Anna Nuclear Generating Station and Surry Nuclear Generating Station, as well as a coalfired station in Chester, Virginia. These three plants provide a total of 4,453 megawatts of power. Several other natural gas plants provide extra power during times of peak demand. These include facilities in Chester, and Surry, and two plants in Richmond (Gravel Neck and Darbytown)., answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where does Richmond get energy besides Surry Nuclear Generating Station and a coal fired station?
answer:Richmond gets energy from several other natural gas plants including facilities in Chester, Surry, as well as two plants in Richmond (Gravel Neck and Darbytown), which provide extra power during times of peak demand.
question:You are presented with the question What has woody stems covered with bark? and the following answer choices: sunflowers Newton ferns seaweed Most plants palm trees evergreens orchids Now knowing that trees have woody stems covered with bark and orange trees are evergreen trees, choose the best answer.
answer:Palm trees and evergreens have woody stems covered with bark.